Chapter 2 - The Invasion

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The horns blared loudly, telling everyone to seek shelter. This had only happened 2 times before In Maru's lifetime, both were when the Great Zapfish was stolen, and the evac orders only affected those who lives near Inkopolis square and Plaza. The Great Zapfish could still be seen wrapped around Deca tower, so Maru was a bit concerned, but curious nonetheless. Loud thumps could be heard in the distance, only increasing her curiosity. Her school journeyed out of the building and in a single file line down to the safe ground, a fenced off area with little to no buildings in it. Just bare necessities were found on the grounds. It was far away from the major parts of the city, only being surrounded by empty lots, abandoned factories, and a train yard. The fence was incredibly high, most Inklings couldn't even see over it on their toes. Maru, however, was not most inklings. Being 8'7" had its advantages every now and then. However, she needed a bit of help to see over it. That's where her short friend came in, Kahe. She was 4'7" but was small and light enough that Maru could hold Kahe on her shoulders easily.

Another thump.

The anxious teens were in line to get into the shelters. "Psst! Kahe!" Maru hissed at her small friend in a line next to Maru.

"I need your help, uh, tying my tentacles."

Another thump.

Kahe has known Maru long enough to know what that meant. Both of them silently walked away from the crowd to an area right behind a building but just in front of the fence.

"What'd'you think we're gonna see, Maru? It's probably just a gas leak or something," Kahe said, climbing onto Maru's shoulders.

"My sister texted me. She said she might be home late, and that I need to stay indoors. If she's involved, then this has got to be big!" Maru grunted as she lifted Kahe above the fence.

"What do you see?"

"Uhm, not much-WAIT! Duuude!"

"What! What!"

"Remember the Chaos Vs Order Shifty Starion where Marina let people use her Mega Bombs? Well, a bunch of those are dropping on buildings from their helicopters. And-oh man, you gotta see this!" Kahe grabbed her phone from her pocket and took a picture of the giant figure in the distance, then handed the phone to Maru.

"It can't be that-WOAH!"

In the picture was a giant, black, purple and teal robot-looking thing. It was bigger than Deco Tower!

"That must've been what was making those noises," Maru said, handing the phone back to her friend.

"We're sneaking out, right?"

"Oh totally!"

Just before Maru was about to throw Kahe over the fence, Maru heard their names.

Behind them was Henry, Maru's younger step brother, and Hikaru, their inkling and Octoling hybrid friend.

"We want in," Hikaru said.

"In on what? We were just getting a good look at Deco Tower!" Maru tried to lie.

"We know you guys are jumping the fence. Henry heard you guys sneakin off. We want in," Hikaru said.

"Well why?" Kahe said, still sitting on Maru.

"My sister hasn't evacuated yet. I need to make sure she's safe," Hikaru explained.

"Wasn't she with you? I thought you guys were in the other history class together when the alarms went off," Maru asked.

"She said she had some extra work to do, down at the shop. I tried calling and texting her, but no answer. I think she's in trouble."

"And I'm stayin with you!" Henry stated, pointing to his step sister.

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