Chapter five

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You sighed. This couldn't possibly get worse could it?

The vent might have been closed, but there was no door. That bothered you deeply.

In fact it bothered you way too much. The door seemed to be taunting you with its openness.

How am I supposed to keep that animatronic out if there's no door? You wondered, finding your gaze traveling to the closed vent.

You had no clue how this was supposed to work.

Your gaze was looming over every detail of the room. You saw a weird machine right next to where the chair was. The chair was obviously blackened by the fire that had happened earlier.

You shivered. You were glad you weren't in the building when it was set on fire.

Wait a minute, you began to think. Wasn't that...creature-Springtrap in this building when it burned down?

You were too distracted to see the limping, glitchy figure in the hallway.

When you were out of your daze you realized something was there, but something wasn't right.

The creature was obviously a weird staticky bear with an ear missing and wires sticking out of the ear.

This was obviously one of the crazy things you've experienced before, but it appeared to actually be walking.

Your breath was caught within your throat.

The bear limped closer and closer.

With each step your throat felt more clogged up.

Your brain registered something in that moment: this bear is somehow keeping me from breathing properly.

The bear was now in the office, a top hat on his scorched head.

Everything about this bear was odd. The way it limped. The fact that wires hung from both arms like vines. The way it's face was...emotionless. Was it real? Wouldn't any normal animatronic at least seem to have one emotion on their face at all times? Springtrap seemed to have a wicked smile on his face. Why doesn't this thing have it?

The bear jumped at you, making you jump from fright. You fell out of the chair, and you smacked your head on the charred ground.

The bear disappeared, but so did your vision.

Everything turned black, and your eyes closed due to the pain.

Your dreams were filled with glitchy bears and Springtrap. Sad thing is in those stories he found you, and ripped you to shreds until you woke up from the pain.

You groaned, not aware of the presence right across from you.

The chair had been tipped over as well in your little fall.

"Ow," you groaned. The reaction made the presence known, as--not surprisingly-- Springtrap was standing by the doorway, leaning on the wall humanely. He chuckled, his smirk seemingly wider than normal.

Quick as lightning, you jump on your feet only to stumble and fall down on the hard floor again.

Springtrap snickered at your misfortune.

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