Chapter three

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(Y/N) groaned loudly at the golden bunny. Just when they would avoid the contraption, it would find some way of finding them.

The grinning bunny seemed bend it's knees, ready to spring at (Y/N) with every ounce of evil strength it had.

(Y/N) took a step backwards, gulping. This seemed like a game to the robot steel bunny because it was smirking as it moved closer to them.

" Here's what's going to h-happen." The rotten bunny began as it moved closer to you.

You took a step backwards. You didn't wish to get any closer to this freak of nature. It was ugly, creepy, and quite frankly you weren't sure if it could ever love anything but killing innocent lives.

(Y/N)'s heart quickened with fear. The heavy looking creature started to run at them.

It got close enough to your ear, as if it was teasing you to run away from it.

It then whispered in your ear. " You are going to get killed no matter if you dodge me, or face me head on."

The information you got confused you. " What?!" You shouted at it. It's ears seemed to hear that, bending to the back of the bunny's head.

The bunny flinched before chuckling deeply. " Did you really think you would be able to last long in this heat? I am doing you and your...whatever that person is to you a favor." It commented.

You didn't like this bunny's attitude. " No you didn't! You murdered them! You killed my best friend!" You wailed as you tried to shove the bunny away.

The bunny gritted it's teeth in annoyance. " Yeah. I killed them. And you're next." The bunny growled as the annoyance on it's face turned to a grin.

(Y/N) gulped. " I won't let that happen. I'm too young to die."

The bunny snorted. " I don't care how old you are. You're just another victim of mine."

The way the bunny said that both made you angry at the demon, and broken hearted. Am I really just another person? A person who isn't special? A person who this bunny thinks they can kill?

" So you don't care about anyone other than yourself? I don't understand you, whatever or whoever you are." (Y/N) commented.

The bunny seemed to be ticked off that you say that. " I care! It's just people like you shouldn't live!" The bunny roared.

You wanted to yell back. " But why?! Why can't I live?! Why are you so selfish?!" You yelled at it.

The bunny didn't respond for a moment before speaking. " I don't have to prove myself to you. You're still alive, and I'm dead." It hissed as it grabbed you.

(Y/N) screeched with fear and panic. Their heart felt out of place, as if it would jump out of their chest at any moment.

Instincts kicked in, and (Y/N) punched at the bunny. The bunny's head came in contact with (Y/N)'s fist, and began to spin around on it's body.

The bunny flared with anger, fire in it's eyes.

" You want to fight, eh? I'll give you a fight." The creature growled as it curled it's metal paws into fists.

It lunged at (Y/N), and the two went tumbling.

The world around (Y/N) spun around the place as they tumbled, the rabbit growling at them.

The rabbit wasted no time, punching (Y/N) repeatedly over in the face.

Each punch packed a powerful effect, making (Y/N) feel weaker and weaker with each blow.

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