Chapter nine

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For the past three days no matter how much you tried to get away from the crazed murderer, he'd always find you.

You hid in the vent, but he managed to find you. You hid in a closet, but he still managed to track you down there. Heck, you even tried hiding by the door. That only resulted in him getting mad at you.

You didn't know what sort of grudge he had against the door, but you assumed he couldn't leave so he didn't want you to leave. It was weird.

You actually sort of got closer to the spring lock animatronic. Closer to the point where you started actually liking him.

You tried to convince yourself he's a murderer, and he's a Pedophille and that's why you shouldn't like him, but each and every time you thought that, you always thought of how nice he was to you.

It was complicated.

When he caught you he never killed you either like he said. He said he would wait until the next time, or claim that waiting for the sixth day when you thought you were home free was a good day to kill you.

Then again he either just gave away his plan or he doesn't want to kill you.

That's odd for a murderous animatronic who's got a ghost trapped inside them.

Right now you were trying to sleep because for some reason he allowed you to sleep in the daytime instead of making that another point where he could chase and kill you.

Guess even a villain has a heart sometimes.

There were some points during the day where you thought you saw an animatronic, but those were just phantoms.

Springtrap had no real explanation for them. He just said they were the dead children trying to haunt them, and they must have saw you and wanted to haunt you as well.

Neither of you knew why they haunted you as well.

Maybe they just wanted someone alive to haunt?

Either way, they were also something you had to watch out for. They weren't dangerous, they just kept almost giving you extreme heart attacks when they snuck up on you.

You actually had a conversation with one one time.

All it told you was that they were haunting him still, and warned you not to get too close to him. They thought he would kill you if you did.

You wanted to listen to the ghost, but you were sure you already did.

It was hard to go to sleep with the rotten bunny on your mind.

You tried and tried to forget about him as you tried to close your eyes, but even the heat that lulled to sleep half the time wouldn't let go to sleep.

You groaned.

Why?! Why?!

You shifted, moving against the crazy maniac who was just sitting with your head in his lap.

It was a strange sight for sure.

Springtrap put his robotic hand on your head.

His eyes were closed.

You couldn't get comfortable. No matter how hard you tried. The hot air inside Fazbear Fright wasn't bothering you one bit.

You drank the rest of that bottle by now, and you weren't really as thirsty as you were earlier.

It was still hot, but it didn't bother you as much anymore. You got used to it.

But this feeling you got right now wouldn't let you go. It wouldn't let you slip into the sweet sleep you wanted.

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