Chapter four

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(Y/N) gaped at it like they were stupid. " W-what?! You think I can survive you for a few nights?! I don't even have the supplies for that, you metallic jerk!" They said as they attempted to punch the monster.

Springtrap acted like it didn't feel the punches, and grabbed (Y/N) by their arms.

The alive human cried out as the monster whispered in their ears, " Or I can always just kill you right now if you prefer."

" Is there an option where I can just leave?" (Y/N) asked with venom in their voice. This crazy monster was an annoying creature, that's for sure.

Springtrap seemed to be rattling with laughter.

" I'm a murderer, not a savior. You're either taking my deal or we end things here." Springtrap growled lowly with lust for blood.

" You're not giving me a choice! It's either I die here and now, or I die later! There is a possibility that I can survive, but I don't know if I can trust your every word." (Y/N) freaked out.

The rotten animatronic stepped back a bit.

" I'll be a good man. I promise." The strange animatronic commented.

(Y/N) sighed. This was probably their one chance to go freely, but there was a chance of dying. They were torn between just trying to see if they could escape, and accepting the deal.

At this point they didn't really have much of a choice.

(Y/N) thought really hard about the proposed deal. It was hard to accept it knowing they could die, but they would die if they didn't take it.

(Y/N) sighed as they faced the apparent male animatronic.

" You seriously swear you won't kill me once the days are done?"

The animatronic seemed to find that sentence of theirs hilarious, as his body rattled with the sound of his metal body. Or whatever was left of the burnt body.

" Maybe," he responded slyly.

(Y/N) thought now was as good of a time as ever to retaliate by smacking him with their hand.

The metal shook and made a really annoying sound.

(Y/N) flinched as Springtrap glared at them.

" Fine." A lowly growl with that word came from the voice of Springtrap. (Y/N) seemed to think that they heard wrong because they turned around to face the scary beast.

" I won't kill you. I promise, but until the six days are over-" he began. Hearing the word six made (Y/N)'s heart drop. Six days?! How can I survive that?!

" Six days?!" (Y/N) exclaimed as they put their head in their hands in exasperation. What was this animatronic's game?

" Why so long? What sort of crazy deal is this?! Is this a game to you?!" (Y/N) yelled at the animatronic.

Their yelling didn't seem to make the animatronic make flinch. They just stared before bursting out in laughter as if (Y/N) was the funniest person he had ever met.

" Is this game? To me? Yes I guess you could say this is a game, but I'd like to think of it as hunting more than anything." Springtrap said slyly.

Instantly, (Y/N) groaned at Springtrap.

" Well, then. I guess we should get started." (Y/N) sighs in defeat. Springtrap grins widely. If he grinned any wider he would break his metallic face.

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