7 | "i don't think i like that nickname."

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I'm hoping that the next school day will be a little easier to deal with

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I'm hoping that the next school day will be a little easier to deal with. However, I don't hold out too much hope. I've never been one to have very good luck.

Once I arrive at school, I spend my free time before the first bell chatting with Emma by my locker. Piper joins us shortly after, and the three of us form a small circle, talking about what's happened in the time we've been apart. It's nice to have friends I can talk to so easily, I can't help thinking to myself. With the news of my arrest still hanging in the air, I hadn't expected anyone to take a chance on me the way Piper and Emma have.

On the other hand, I know just because I've made two friends doesn't mean everyone around here has taken a liking to me.

As this thought passes through my mind, I notice Luke approaching out of my peripheral. He doesn't stop on his way down the hallway to talk to Emma and Piper, no doubt because I'm around. He does, however, shoot a glare in my direction as he heads for his locker, his glare icier than usual. I feel a shiver run down my spine.

I cast my gaze downward, unable to even stand looking at him. Once I got home yesterday, the first thing I did upon entering my room was make sure my blinds were drawn, as I didn't want to risk so much as a glance at Luke through the window panes that separate us. I'm not sure why, but not only does the sight of Luke flare up my anger, it also causes a strange ache to surface in my chest.

"Don't worry about him," Emma is quick to reassure me, as she clearly noticed the cold glance Luke had shot my way as he passed us.

"Wouldn't even think of it." I try to sound as convincing as the smile I give her, which Emma returns warmly.

My first few classes pass quickly, which I'm thankful for. Math and history serve as my first two periods, which also happen to be my least favorite subjects (along with the rest of them). Wandering into the hallway after history ends, I head straight to my locker. Reaching the end of the hall, I find Emma and Piper awaiting me expectantly with bright smiles, which immediately lifts my dull mood.

The three of us walk together to the cafeteria, sitting at the same table as the day before. Peter enters the dining hall only moments later, taking his place in the free seat beside Piper. I have the feeling this is how my lunch break will go everyday, though I have a sinking suspicion Luke will be in the picture as well.

"Hey guys," Peter greets as he takes his seat, nodding at me. "New Girl."

"Strange Boy," I bite back with a smile, unable to keep a straight face.

Peter wrinkles his nose, gray eyes gleaming. "I don't think I like that nickname."

"Well what do you want me to call you then?" I question, watching with interest as Peter's expression becomes mock-thoughtful.

"Hm. How about . . . Peter? I've heard that's a great name. A lot of people say it sounds as if it came straight from heaven."

"Really now?" I tease with a playful smirk. "And you don't think you're being just a little biased?"

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