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Shivaay turned gaze from standing baffled men to the furthest corner in the room, where his lady stood. Hiding inside shades, he saw surprised look on her, It is hilarious to see, changing emotions of her face- anger, surprise, and jealousy, eveything in nicker of time changes, glad he could hide the delight in seeing bafflement. His smirk gone bigger, Oh! he was so enjoying this. Terrorising opponent always felt good but tongue-tied Annika is delight to watch. He  fished out phone, ignoring the greetings from hosts, he isn't bothered to even look at them, he typed a message and looked back at his women in anticipation. Completely unaware of his intentions, a baffled Annika was least bothered in some promotional messages but, as habit she looked at the screen, still analysing given situation at hand, she read gh message.
" Close your mouth first..." It said. And she did exactly opposite, completely making an O she was embarrassed, he is having a laugh at her! He'll pay for it, first refusing to live a low key now mocking her? This bagad billa has gone too far, she thought revenge later, for now she need to check the temperature...
Shivaay gave, ' I knew it',  grin and returned his gaze back to the other people around.

Minister was dying to get Shivaay's attention, Shivaay didn't disappointed either, removing Dior, he gave first look to him, nobody expected, a calm overpowering eyes behind that dash of swag, it tenatalised minister for a while. Shivaay knew how to win game of overpowering very well, being businessman helps in dealing with all kinds of people.

"Mr. Oberoi, glad to meet you in person, I am...." He forwarded hands for introduction but Shivaay cuts him off in between.

"Yeah, I know Mr. Pradhan, I have got everything from your son. Lets not waste our time in introduction, you see I have a very big empire to run." Shivaay said looking around the house. It is nostalgic to return to same home again, in different manner but he wasn't very please to return. He remembers his vow of not coming back here, also, keeping Annika from this place, but as destiny has it, this same house almost took his Annika from him.
Facing senior Kundra, he couldn't hide anger, the sleepless nights and endless tears Annika shed because of him was testing his patience. He did covered it up, facing, now directly Shivaay saw a recognition in his eyes, well good he remembered, he thought. Even, better he wasn't  happy with the arrival. As if Shivaay cared! putting it rightly Shivaay wanted it.

"I guess you recognized me? Mr. Kundra?" He said being formal, usually Shivaay is a respecting man, but he doesn't deserve that respect. Nope.

"You know him? How ? I thought you two are meeting for the first time?" Mr. Pradhan spoke indicating him to enter, Shivaay didn't moved just booked his eyes on him, accusingly.

"Once.... We met just once. And he refused to accept his only grand daughter. When she needed them."  He said as matter of fact, casually as he could, but he was fuming with anger.
Doing something wrong and hearing it from someone, has different impact. Humiliation, he felt on hearing his own doings, may be first time someone of importance told him, he was wrong. Mr. Kundra flinched, also, other people present there. Annika Stood stunned, he said it? Shivaay told what They did to her, in their faces! She was perturbed, now, what will be the consequences? It was getting intense. Only Vikram stood confused, he had no idea what was this about, he spoke.

"Who Anamika?"

Shivaay gave a stern look, he is stupid, that's sure, he took a step forward and walked passed everyone, for the first time meeting Annika's eyes.

Annika is holding her breathes, throughout the conversation, heartbeat refused to slow down, now when he was approaching, it has stopped as dead. He is walking towards her, she freezed......is he actually doing this? What is he even thinking? And Why? Shivaay is adamant, she knew, stopping was not even an option, even if Annika gets mad at him, he would definitely do what he wants....  She found her breathes stopping, Shivaay stood in front of her, penetrating eyes deeply looking at her lucid ones. His admiration is mixed with a 'told you' look. 

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