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Leaning over the arch of her room's window she found a solace for sometime, work and worldly activities never left her, tiny- miny times with self is always to be theft from time, but complaints never uttered, it's just, self time were very secondary, sometimes happiness of your loved ones lets you forget so many things about yourself. Annika is thoughtful today, the descending sun is bidding adheu for the day, leaving  a thought of something which never took attention in her life. Love! Love, which she is unsure about, She knows what love is ; looking for your happiness in someone else's, loving someone more than your life itself, that's how love is defined by people, well she knows this but never experienced it. Sometimes she wonders why loving is categorized in this or that? Love is love- be it mother's love, family love and even, between two non related people's, it's nothing different, love is love after all, feeling are same also the intensity is same then why we judge them?. Why it has to be categorize and how they distinguish it anyway? What are the parameters of defining your love from another's. When she tries to understand this,her whole life's understanding becomes a heap of nothing.

Why suddenly this thought? There is a reason for her emotional vulnerability, She is not insecure, off course, she won't agree to that, not even when Tia hugged Shivaay, not even when her lipstick mark was shining in the evening light of the restaurant, which, looking at that , she has an urge to wipe it off but she dreaded the consequences, off course she could have  easily do it, she has full right on him and it will not be her first time too, she has done a lot more than that but today she felt awkward. Strangely, but awkward.

Why? Why today Shivaay's hands looked far from her reach.? Tia's hands were entwined with his, her entire focus was on his hands which, not even for once left Tia's hand! Why? Is it normal to get jealous of your best friend's girlfriend? Is it normal to feel uneasy looking at their comfort, which once you flaunted. Because you were the only possessors of his love and affection. Shivaay has been to many relationship but Annika never felt so insecure. Why this time?

Tia seems to be a very nice girl, infact almost perfect, being born in a elite society, she is not corrupted, she believes in making your own identity, career oriented and down to earth, that's what she wishes for Shivaay and Tia is perfect for it. She even agreed and understood Annika shivaay's relationship, which was in itself a miracle, she agreed when Annika told how their relationship sometimes gets more passionate than a friendship should, even accepted that she had to ignore certain things which may not turn out to be ignored.
It was a happy moment, even Shivaay was satisfied with the talk they had, its only Annika, whose attention was captured by the closeness of them. She was fighting with herself, continuously scolding her mind, this is is selfishness! She told herself. She can't just sit and reminisce I've rahe fact that now Shivaay is leaving her, she can't cage Shivaay for her own, his love and care has to be shared and now she had to understand that fact.

Her chain of thought were broken by a series of knock at the door and she very well knew who it was, Shivaay stood at the foot of the door with a Happy grin, his eyes were shining, coat tiredly resting on his shoulder, jet black three piece suit looked pale like his tired face, but his eyes shined there was a glimpse of happiness in them, however Annika's eyes travelled straight to his cheeks, still searching for that blush pink shade which occupied half of her attention that afternoon, Suddenly she hated pink colour.

He said 'hey' in a low voice, Shivaay enters  room and straighten himself over the bed with a loud moan, he is hell tired today, after lunch with Tia and Annika, he worked, finished three consecutive meetings and before returning back he has managed to wrap up things with his subordinates on next days presentation. Annika is still in her unknown, whence of dilillusion stood there silent. Shivaay was resting on the bed and was blabbered his days incidents. When he got silence in reply his attention went to Annika, she was lost, "Is everything fine, Annika?" He uttered in an expectant manner. Her cold demanueor compelled him to sit abruptly in full attention something is wrong! She is lost, way too much than required.

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