Nervously Raindrop raise her paw to speak. Thunderclaw nodded. "Do we have a choice? If we sent him back he will report us to Vulture, and if we kill him they Army will suspect us."

Lemon protectively shuffled next to Raindrop. Thunderclaw finally realized the two were kin, they both had the same kind of coat. Their eyes and face were somehow alike, although the tom could not identify what. Lemon gave a nervous mew.

"When I first met you I was confused. Even though I warned you, you acted though I haven't said any words. I was deeply in suspect and worry and I realized you had something else in your mind. About your mate." Lemon glanced at  Dazzle. The light yellow she cat must have heard everything about it from the gifted she cat. Thunderclaw wondered if they had a strong bond of friendship.

"Very well.' Thunderclaw decided. "But we have no time to lose, come."

So the seven cats, Thunderclaw, Blood, Lemon, Dazzle, Chipmunk, Raindrop, and Zen traveled until their paws almost fell off. During their walk, the warrior rethought if this really was a good idea. Chipmunk and Raindrop and Lemon were fine, but is betraying the warrior code by the orders of a Dark Forest cat, bringing back a memory digging super powered  cat, and a half trustworthy rogue the good of MorningClan?

His worry has made him keep his caution down. As if pointing that out, the ferns began to shake. And within a blink, the travelers were surrounded by well trained warriors. NoonClan warriors.

"Why are rogues here in our territory?" One of the cats in the patrol, the head of the patrol meowed.  Thunderclaw realized it was Eaglehaze, one of the fine skilled warriors. The bushy black furred tom was a fair warrior to reason with.

Before the MorningClan warrior can tell his true identity, a young cat that looks like a fresh warrior chirped in. "Isn't he Thunderclaw? The mate if daughter of StarClan?" Thunderclaw remembered Caveflames, a warrior that has been named in the gathering before he had left.

The NoonClan patrol began to murmur glancing at the dark brown tabby tom several times. Eaglehaze nodded. "I believe he is too Caveflames. What have you come for bringing six rogues including the follower of Lightpelt and a weird rogue scent?"

Thunderclaw's shoulder slightly relaxed satisfied that they knew him. NoonClan's hunting grounds was full of rich prey. And their scent almost made him wrinkle his nose. "My mate, Twilightspeckle has told me Blood's past. And things turned quite unexpected. I believe the whole story should be heard to your leader."

"Very well." Eaglehaze dipped his head politely. He swooshed his swift tail to follow as the three NoonClan warriors and seven travelers followed. The NoonClan territory was very unfamiliar to Thunderclaw. Whenever a breeze carried prey scent, his muzzle wrinkled. Chipmunk and Raindrop sticked together their fur brushing closely.

They soon found a hole. Not the camp. A hole. But when Thunderclaw sniffed closely at it, and smelled a strong scent of NoonClan. Was this what he was thinking?

Eaglehaze entered, than Caveflames. The two remaining NoonClan warriors told the travelers to go in. Wrinkling the tabby tom's nose, he entered the soil made hole. At his heels, Blood followed flattening out her ears. She didn't seem disgusted as him.

Thunderclaw could not believe his own eyes. It was impossible, the NoonClan camp, a camp that MorningClan never attempted to find, was under the earth. It was a cave, with a small stream trickling as water source. The tom always thought MorningClan was the best, fighting vicious as LionClan, and have a secured camp that no other clans well attempt to find. But perhaps NoonClan was clever. The MorningClan warrior knew he would never imagine a camp under his paws.

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