Chapter 46

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I woke up to Faith sleeping beside me, Zayn was on the stool and his head rested on the bed, that I and Faith slept on.

Aw, poor him, he has to sleep like this. If I ask him to go home and rest, he's not going to listen because he doesn't want to leave me and Faith. How cute.

I slid my hand through his hair, and he woke up,slowly.

"Babe, you should really get some proper rest, on a proper bed" I said.

"Nah...I am fine" He said "I want to spend all the time with Faith while I can"

"What do you mean...while you can?" I asked.

"Er..Fuck...Well, you know all the ghost shit...If Faith stays with us at the house, she might get hurt" he blurted.

"So where else is she going to live?" I asked, worried.

"At Louis and Alona's place" He bit his lip.

No! I really don't want to be away from Faith! But now that I think about it, it's for the best.

"I am going to miss her so much" I said.

"It's okay everything will be fine" he said, and then Taylor, Liam, Harry, Lisa, Louis, Alona, Mom, Dad (Zayn's parents) Bella and Niall walked in the room. Wow so many people all at once.

"Shh. She's sleeping" Zayn told them.

Taylor looks fatter than before and Bella looks taller. 

"Bella you look taller" I said.

"really?" She said, happily.

It's probably 'cause I haven't really seen her in a while. Well, I saw her yesterday, but there was way too much going on for me to focus on her height, and Taylor's weight.

"And Taylor looks fatter" I said.

"What?" Liam said, really quick.

"yeah, I thought so too" Taylor said, trying to sound disappointed, but she seemed a little happy. Who knows why.

"I am hungry" Taylor said "anyone wants to get me something to eat?" 

No one said anything.

"Okay...then I'll go get me something to eat by myself" she muttered.

"I would but I am really not aloud to leave this room for another week" I said, sadly.

"Oh yeah" Louis said.

"It would be safer for us if I get home faster, or you know..." I said, noticing mom and dad's presence.

"Dave, come with me to get Perry's medicine" mom said, Dave is Zayn's dad's name and Oh yeah...I have to take iron tablets. I don't have a lot of iron in my body, so the doctor suggested I take iron tablets. They taste so bad.

After they left the room...

"last night, Lisa almost slipped in the washroom, and like there was no water slipped on anything" Harry said.

"I felt like someone tried to push me" She said.

"Oh god. I really have to get back home" I said. Although I don't want to go back. I don't want to leave Faith.

"We'll try convincing the doctors" Harry smiled.

"All I could get was a stupid muffin" Taylor entered the room.

"Oh that sucks. I think I have a granola bar somewhere here" I said.

I looked to the table on the right, and grabbed the granola bar.

I threw it to her, and she caught it with her empty hand.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"So any news for mom?" I asked.

I really hope she will be fine!

If she lives, I will not let her stay with me at the house. It's too dangerous.

It will be hard for her to live alone without dad, but it's for the best.

Maybe she can stay with Louis and Alona and Faith. I am sure she will like it there. feels like just yesterday, I was yelling at my mum, telling her to stay away from me and Faith, and now here I am making plans for her staying with Faith.

After she had the accident, and all the things she said to me in the ambulance. I forgave her.

"I'll go ask the doctor if about mom" Zayn said, and left the room.

"GUESS WHAT?" Zayn yelled, entering the room, he yelled so loud that Faith woke up. 

"Mom is going to be fine!" Zayn yelled again.

"I am so happy!" I replied, meaning it.

"Thank god" Taylor smiled, and then swallowed the last bite of her muffin.

"When can we meet her?" Liam asked.

"Yeah..when?" Niall asked.

"Soon...the doctor told me" He said.

"Great!" I said. And put Faith close to my chest. Trying to make her stop crying. 

"babies are so cute" Taylor said, she looked like she didn't want to say that, but anciently blurted it out.

That reminds me. So, Faith's birth date is November 18 2014, and 12:43 A.M

"Taylor can I talk to you?" I said, before thinking twice.

"Uhmm yeah... alone?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said and waited for everyone to leave.

"Wait... Liam stay" I said.

I don't know why I feel like there is something wrong between the two of them.

"Okay" he said.

They both stood far from each other.

"okay, I don't know why I feel like something is not right between the two of you" I said.

And great. Faith stopped crying. So this makes it easier for us to talk.

"No-" Liam started

"Don't lie to me, I have noticed that you two barely talk now...did you have a fight or something?" I said "But you guys don't have to tell me anything if you don't want-" I explained.

"Perry...It's complicated" Liam started.

"yeah. You think that" Taylor said, angry.

"If you want to tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help?" I said "Trust me" 

"I do want to tell you. I really do. If I do, who knows when Liam will blow up on me" she said, sitting on the stool beside me.

"Don't blame me for all of this" He yelled back.

"Guys!" I yelled to stop them both.

"Please tell me what is wrong" I begged.

"Okay" Liam agreed.


A/N: What do you think Liam and Taylor are fighting about?

Sorry, if the chapter was a little boring, and when they get back to the house...The creepiness will start again so don't worry :D

Let me know in the comments and please VOTE!!

Bye loves <3

Haunted Love (One Direction) *Editing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя