Chapter 38

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My stomach was hurting, like no tomorrow and so was my stupid head. I decided to rest for a while. I closed my eyes for two minutes and then I am disturbed by a voice.

"Lucky duck, got saved" 

"Why are you after me?" I asked, right away.

"You say it like I will tell you" The voice replied

"just don't hurt my baby, I beg you!" 

"oh, Perry, you deserve way more than just losing your baby, your lucky Zayn caught you. But I am not giving up. I will do whatever I can to hurt you" 

I didn't say anything.

"You know who killed Emma?... haha, I did, She can't be the one hurting you. It can only be me! Only I have the right to hurt you!" The voice yelled.

"So you killed her, because she was hurting me?" I asked

"Zayn!" I yelled right after.

"What are you gonna do? tell Zayn that I am bothering you? well guess what? Even if he wanted to help you, he can't do anything to get rid of me" the voice responded

"Why?" I dared to ask.

"I am already dead... you can't harm me if I'm already dead" laughter filled the room.

"how did you die?" I opened my mouth to ask, but then Zayn entered the room.

"did you call me?" He asked

"uh yeah, can we go outside? I feel sick inside this house" I responded

"sure, c'mon" He smiled

He helped me get off the bed. I carefully stepped down the stairs. Zayn had his hand in mine, so I don't trip again.

We got outside and sat on the porch.

"We should visit the doctor soon, just to see how the baby is doing" Zayn suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh Zayn, Before you came in the room, I was hearing the creepy voices" I told him.

"Really? What did she say?" He asked.

"well, she was the one who tried to trip me and she told me she's already dead so there is no way we can harm her. So basically she is a ghost" I bit my lip, "she was the one to kill Emma too" I added.

Zayn was quiet, he was busy with his thoughts. Because it is a lot to take in.

"So what do we do now?" He finally said.

"I don't think there is anything that we can do" I said in defeat.

"No, there is always a solution to problems" Zayn said.

"what's the solution to this one?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but we'll have to figure it out"  He said

"I think we should start with figuring out who lived in this house before us" I told him

"That's a great idea!" He said, and hugged me tightly and placed a kiss on my cheek. He seemed happy

 "I'll call the real estate agent and ask if they know" I smiled back.

 I punched in the phone number on my phone, and then placed it to my ear.

"hello" A voice said.

"hi, this is Perry talking, We bought the house-" I started

"Oh... Perry! I remember. What made you call me?" The agent asked

"I was just wondering if you knew who lived in this house before us" I asked

"Yes I know who lived here. would you like to know?" He asked

"Yes please" I answered

"Jessica Marshal and her father, Steven Marshal" He replied

"Oh okay" I replied "What made them move?" I added

"Jessica committed suicide and then sadly, her father died after a while" He replied

"Oh, thanks for letting me know" I said and hung up.

"What did he say?" Zayn asked impatiently.

"Some girl named-" I started but was interupted by a car pulling up on the driveway.

"Who's car is that?" I asked.

"it sure doesn't belong to us" Harry piped in.

Him, Lisa, Taylor and Liam were also outside and then Bella and Niall came after like ten seconds.

If everyone already here then who's car is this?

The car was a black Civic Honda.  Who can it possibly be?

all of us stared at the car and waited for someone to step out.

Finally someone did. 

First a woman dressed in skinny jeans and a plain blue shirt walked out of the car, with her eyes filled with tears. Then a man dressed in jeans and a white shirt that had the1980 written on it.

It took me a while to recognize who it was and when I did, I didn't want to believe my eyes.

Pain and anger rushed through my body and there was just one thing in my mind.

Why are they here?



I think I will write 50 chapters in total for this book... :) hope thats fine... 

anyways.. thank you for readin, comment and tell me who you think has come to the house now... 

Haunted Love (One Direction) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now