Chapter 23

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The following morning I woke up because of my stomach grumbling. I still can't believe I am going to be a mother and have my own child. Zayn is going to be a father... a responsible one I hope.

It's going to be great having a baby around the house, it might be hard in the beginning but I'm sure we'll be fine after, I hope at least.

If the baby is a boy then I hope he has Zayn's smile an maybe my blue eyes. But if it's a girl then hope she has Zayn's smile and eyes. Also I hope she doesn't her blond hair because I never liked mine and I am sure she wouldn't like it either and there is a huge chance the girl can have brown hair because my grandmother had it.

Anyways, I pulled myself out of bed and freshened up.

Zayn was sleeping so peacefully, with his mouth open. He looked so cute! I want to kiss him so bad!

My head was hurting and my stomach was grumbling so loud that Zayn might even wake up cos of the noise. I combed my hair and then ended up putting it into a bun.

" NO! that's not fair!" Zayn said loudly

I tuned to face him but he wasn't awake. Must be having a bad dream. I don't know if I should go wake him and tell him that he's just having a dream. Suddenly he started to sweat and he squeezed the blanket. I ran to the bed and shook him hard. I've never seen him like this.

His eyes opened wide and he wrapped his arms around me.

"it's okay" I whispered in a calm voice

" Perry-" he said still a bit shocked? Or scared? I'm not sure.

"I love you, don't ever leave me" he said

" I'm here" I said and placed his head on my lap, running my fingers in his hair in a playful way. I just want to comfort him.

" It was just a nightmare" I said.

" I'm going to go downstairs" I said although I didn't want to leave but I should. I'm sure he can handle himself or maybe Emma can comfort him, I'm sure he'll like it. I hate her so much!

"stay with me" he begged

"no. I'm hungry" I said and left without giving him a chance to say anything else.

As I got down the stairs, I noticed a familiar face. I studied it carefully, of course. How could I forget? Ryan was coming today and I totally forgot!

"Ryan!" I gave a warm smile

" Perry" he smiled back and leaned in for a hug. As I hugged, Zayn came and noticed Ryan.

"Ryan?" he said in shock " what brings you here? I mean when did you come?"

" what's up Zayn? Long time no see" Ryan smiled

His smile was so sweet.

He was wearing shorts with a areopostale shirt. He looked nice and different than he did in high school.

" he's staying here for a while" Taylor explained

"oh" was all Zayn said.

"c'mon let me show you your room" I said pulling him upstairs.

Harry followed us, carrying Ryan's luggage.

" so you really came" I smiled

" I wouldn't have came if it wasn't about you" he said

" thank you it means a lot" I told him

" you know what you have to do right?" Harry piped in. Ryan nodded his head in agreement.

Harry left the two of is to talk.

" I really never expected Zayn would go for another girl when he has you" he said

" and he does it after our marriage" I looked at the ground

"YOUR MARRIED" he almost yelled

" Yeah, didn't Harry tell you? I'm also pregnant" I laughed

" I thought you were eating burgers everyday" he teased me

" haha very funny" I said sarcastically.

" I just hope Zayn comes back to me" my voice trailed

" he will, he has to" Ryan looked in my eyes

" what If he doesn't?" my eyes filled

" he will, I promise" he said and the look on his face made me want to believe him.


Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and I just wanted to say that Im working on a new cover for the book, so I'll change the cover soon! Thanks for voting and commenting, Please keep doing it ;)

I love you <3

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