Falling down tunnels

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20 people... 20 people were falling into what seemed an endless void of an asteroid, no hope of light, ground, sky, or hope at all. Every one thought they were going to die. And maybe they were right? Perhaps it would indeed be a timely death, would anyone notice they were gone? Could the mist go to such extreme lengths that no one would remember them? Even their parents?

It was so dark that one could hardly see if there even was a person beside them. But you could tell by the sound of one's breath. Marinette tumbled for what seemed to be minutes on end, believing she was alone. But she was very wrong.

She had given up on screaming a couple minutes ago. It was pointless, no one would save her. She hardly new enough about her abilities to even try and save herself! But it was most certainly worth a shot.

She placed her hands at her sides, spread her fingers out wide, and closed her eyes. Or were her eyes closed already? She could not tell, it was to dark to anyways. Just like she'd seen in movies, she tried to make a rocket ship out of herself. You've seen it, where they fly with fire at their sides! Except with her it would be lightning. Could lightning even push her forward? Did fire even do that?

A minute passed and nothing had changed. She opened her eyes. Still, nothing. She tried to search herself for magic of any kind. But it was nothing. Not there as if had vanished.. or it was being used by some one else.

Suddenly she felt something in her finger. Just a tad of electricity. But hey, her crazy idea might work. She let the shocks and sparks fly from her fingers out of control. Her idea definitely didn't work. But she did find something else. Oh it was nothing... Nothing but another body falling limp beside her. Pale faced like that of a bloated corpse, eyes shut with black speared every where like some sort of indian warrior who was having a bad day, hair tangled before its face, body limply contorting into horrific positions like a doll who'd seen better things...

Marinette screamed. She couldn't help it. Her throat was already was soar from her screaming before, she'd tried to control it but hey; wouldn't you scream to if you thought you were alone, turned on a light, and saw Chloe's limp body flailing beside you unconscious?

As if her scream had suddenly resurrected her, Chloe began screaming as well, wide eyed in terror. They screamed together in the light of Marinette's hand until that very light went out. Both fell silent as Chloe's voice cracked and were stuck in pitch black darkness. Marinette tried to bring back the light. It flickered from time to time, then roared up like a flame of pure electric shock. Chloe whimpered a scream but locked eyes with Marinette's death glare.

"AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh?" Chloe slowly grew fainter. She stared at Marinette who looked like she was about ready to die, but this stupid tunnel wasn't gonna let her, so now she was even more miserable now that she found out who she was falling with. "How long have we-"

"Save it pussy face." Marinette furrowed her eyebrows in deep anger.

"*gasp* How dare you! I'll tell my father what you just said, and your little bakery will be no more!" She rambled and hissed.

"Like you can. Think you have cell service out here hun?" Marinette grumbled.

"I have free roaming."

"Uh huh. In space?" Marinette smirked as she saw Chloe lost for words.

"W-when will we reach the bottom?I hope we get there first because My hair is a mess, and I'd like to fix it before anyone besides you sees it!" Chloe hid her hair in disgust.

"If there even is an end." Marinette muttered.



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