Chapter Eleven: Small confessions

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Adrien looked over at Marinette. She was arguing with violet over some pun because both were laughing. He couldn't hear anybody, for the god was still resting in his head, waiting for Adrien's answer. Adrien felt like time had slowed down, as he saw the bluenette dramatically pout as her friends and foes laughed around her. A smile formed across her beautiful pink lips and she began to giggle. She was so beautiful.

"I... I can't..." Adrien replied finally.

You have 5 days

"I-" He was cut off by Janus as he left his mind. All sound came back to him as if some one had pressed resume, even though things were already moving.

"Adrien... are you alright?" Violet noticed his pale face.

"Y-Yeah... I just need s-some air." He said and hurried out of the room and disappeared into the bakery.

"What's up his butt?" Alya giggled.

"Guys, seriously? There's obviously something wrong!" Marinette said with a worried tone of voice and expression.

"Maybe you should go talk to him." Alya wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oooh does some one have a crush?!" Violet teased.

"You guys can't take this seriously, can you!" Marinette huffed and stormed out her bedroom.

She hurried down the stairs to see Adrien just leaving the bakery with the jingle of a bell as the door closed. From deep in her gut she found a mysterious burst of confidence as she followed him swiftly from the bakery. The blonde haired boy sat on a nearby park bench and buried his head in his knees, balling himself up.

Marinette felt heart broken seeing him like this. She quickly walked over to the bench, with out his notice.

"Can I sit here?" She asked in a soft pleasing voice. Adrien rose his head with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He smiled and wiped his eyes dry.

"Of course." He replied and scooted over for her. Then he fell silent again and the chill of the wind picked up.

"Adrien... are you alright?" She asked, trying to pretend he was Chat Noir at the moment so she wouldn't go ballistic.

"I'm... fine."

"Obviously your not. What's wrong?" Marinette said softly.

"I..." He paused. "It's just this whole uh... Greek god thing... and um... it's just a lot." He lied but she knew no better.

"Yeah. I can't go three minutes without causing a rainstorm or electrocuting a bird." She chuckled. Adrien smiled.

"Oh and the fans! I just can't anymore! Did you know I woke up with a man in my bed once?" Adrien laughed.

"Wait. Really? Oh that's nasty!" Marinette gasped.

"Oh yeah I know!" Adrien chuckled and they fell silent again. Nothing but the sound of light wind filled their ears as Adrien hid his emotional pain and struggle. Would they return to the others?

"You know, I think that those weird kids got this under control. It's weird to have faith in them but they really seam to know what their doing." Marinette stated with confidence.

"Yeah..." Adrien gazed up at the clouds and relaxed his tense body. Marinette was blushing which he definitely noticed, but he didn't want to confess his love and pour his soul into her at the given moment. So he stayed quiet.

Minutes of silence passed and Adrien's hand travelled closer to Marinette's and touched her fingers. Her breath hitched but then she gave in and held his hand. Her face was solid red as was his.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS GET YO BOOTIES OVER HERE! WERE GONNA STAB EACH OTHER WITH SWORDS!" Violet shouted from afar. Marinette jumped from the bench and spun around to see the group travelling to the park.

"C-come on a-Adrien." She said briefly and ran off.

A/n sorry this is so short but I was writing it and watching a volley ball game at the same time. Hope it was satisfying!

Game of GodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora