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Percy countries leading them to the canal where Annabeth made him stop. "Hold it percy, we are not getting twenty random French kids to jump into a canal in the middle of France if that's what you were thinking." Percy looked at her dumbfounded.

"Ok." He waved his hands and the water over him, flying from the canal and eating all twenty of them of the streets, their army. Screams were muffled out by water but one prominent voice rang in his ear, clinging to his arm as he pulled everyone into the canal. It was his beloved Annabeth.

"Percy you little bag of okata!" She cursed him in Greek.

I couldn't use actual Greek lettering because then you guys would translate it and it's better if you already knew what it meant and want this book to stay PG so please don't hate me.

"My apologies." He lushed evilly with sarcasm as they were swiped into the canal. He made a large pocket of air for everyone except Luka. Luka could die for all he cared. Luka was ruining his ship. And Luka was a good so like whatever he could survive under water.

I don't actually hate Luka this is for comedic purposes only. I repeat this is for comedic purposes only.

"Percy Im gonna kill you if we survive this crazy god saving quest we were not assigned. Why in the name of hades did Chiron send is here? Why couldn't.. piper, Leo  and Jason go instead? I mean, Piper is fluent in French!" Annabeth began to rant. "Thanks Athena for blessing me with no super cool abilities."

"Don't be so negative." Percy kissed her forehead. "We got this."

"Thanks." Annabeth smiled. Percy leaned in for a kiss but Annabeth pushed him away. "Sorry but I only kiss you when you're being stupid!"

"But you kiss me all the time." Percy said.

"Exactly." Annabeth smiled and proved his nose with a kiss. Percy blushed but kept his composure.

"Alright every one, welcome aboard French Canal airlines, today I will be your co pilot. Please keep your arms and legs inside the bubble. In case of an emergency, kill your neighbor and use them as a flotation device. Any questions?" Percy has pulled down a speaker from out of nowhere to magnify his voice.

"Um.. yeah you said this was an airline but we are under water." Violet said. "Seams you've lost your words!" She cracked up but no one understood her joke.

"And That is where our pilot comes in. MARINETTE!!!" He shrieked. Marinette popped up beside him in his bubble.

"Here! Remember to keep that seatbelt on!" She reminded. "And off we go!!!" Suddenly the bubbles were picked up from the water like some mysterious wind. Marinette guided them to the sky where she proceeded to blast odd at the spread of light into space.

It was kinda scary.

"You know, it just occurred to me I have no idea where we are going." She nervously began laughing as they broke from troposphere to the stratosphere, through the ozone layer, into the mesosphere, to the thermosphere, getting into the exosphere and finally into outer space which is technically still the exosphere.

"Well I was going to say don't go into space but um... here we are." Percy was astronaute and shocked.

"Hey Percy, um.., doesn't water freeze in space." Annabeth looked around the bubble at it slowly became solid rock.

"Yes but fanfiction can defy logic." Percy reported and the bubble became bubble again.

"Hey look! A mysteriously large asteroid!" Alya pointed at the very obvious purple asteroid before them.

Game of GodsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ