Chapter Thirteen: the broken deal

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"I... I should go Marinette." Adrien blushed and stood up from the couch.

"That's fine. And Adrien,"


"Don't worry about your dad. We'll figure it out. I promise." Marinette smiled, her face turning even redder than before. Adrien stood silently.

"Ok." He said. "Good night... M'lady."

"Good night Adrie- Wait........" her face was a complete tomato. Adrien hurried out of the room in embarrassment. 'Did he just...?' Marinette thought to herself and touched her burning hot cheek. A smile hid behind her hands as she quietly squealed.


Adrien arrived home later than he intended to, expecting his father to be furious. But his father was gone, no one was waiting for him. He peeking into Natalie's office but she wasn't there. He looked in a couple other rooms but decided to head to bed. Best if they didn't know how late he was gone.

Adrien climbed up the stairs to his room, thinking and worrying about his father. Yes, he failed to keep his promises Marinette.

He took off his clothes and got some Pajama bottoms on before sliding under his covers to his bed. They emptiness of the house was unsettling, keeping him awake.

He hated to be alone. In fact he basically had a phobia of it. Ever since his mother died and Gabriel copped him up in the mansion, he felt so alone and scared. He was claustrophobic in a giant room with no one there. He felt trapped.

He pretended he had a friend over... maybe Nino... and that they had already fallen asleep. This way Adrien wasn't alone.

But his illusions brought him nothing, and loneliness crept back to him like a snake slithering under a log.


Adrien's heart skipped a beat and his body felt dead cold. He held his breath unintentionally.

I know you can hear me

Adrien covered his ears and tried to sleep. His eyes where shut tight, and he tried to get comfortable.

Adrien stop ignoring one of the gods. A can destroy you if I wished.

"Go away!" Adrien screamed, echoing in the large empty house.

No! I have made a slight change on our offer Adrien.

"I won't do it! I can't kill some body! The deal is over!!"

Either way the girl dies and I get what I want. But you can have your mother back...

"You can't kill her! My mother would tell me never to pick her over some one else. She's in heaven, watching me."

There is no heaven! Only the underworld where she shall suffer eternity!

"Shut up! Leave both of them alone. Find some one else!"

You have 24 hours

Adrien felt the connection disappear. He felt fearful of Janus, would he destroy Marinette?

Adrien had nightmares as he fell asleep.


"Pancakes?" Percy cheered as he smelled the delicious breakfast Annabeth attempted to cook.

"Yep, But... they're kinda Burt..." Annabeth pokes one with a finger as Percy plopped some onto his plate.

"Eh, blue food is blue food." Percy dug a fork into the Burnt blue pancake.

"Somethings wrong." Grover entered the room with blood shot eyes.

"Yeah, I burnt the pancakes." Annabeth sighed.

"No. Like dangerous demigod stuff wrong." Grover gave her a serious look.

"Ah frick. Not this again." Percy scooted the plate away, it was basically licked clean. "Who is it?"

"Marinette. Janus is after her." Grover replied. Annabeth dropped a pancake on the floor in shock.


"Honey, can you help with the dishes?" Sabine asked her daughter.

"Ugh. Sure." Marinette huffed and started clearing dishes from the breakfast table. "I have school though-"

"Not today. They canceled. Something about a dangerous man on the loose. Do you think it was that man from your camp?"

"Maybe..." Marinette brought some plates to the sink.

She started soaping syrups and fruit bits off of them, as well as coco powder from the milk bowls and cracker bits off the table. She dumped it down the disposal and rinsed the dishes, then put them in the dish washer.

"Can I go hang out with Alya today?" Marinette asked.

"With that man on the loose? Heck no! Your staying here." Sabine said.

"Awe... what's the point of handing no school when there's nothing fun to do?" Marinette grumbled and went upstairs to her bedroom. She took out her phone and video called Alya.

"Hey girl. To bad there's no school today huh? How was it lad night with Adrien?!" Alya danced her words upon Adrien's name as if singing them in a teasing way to Marinette.

"Oh I uh.. we uh... I'm uh... he left. Yeah." Marinette blushed.

"Aw Common. Did you guys kiss?!"

"Alya!! No! We just talked a little bit t'en he left! That's all." Marinette was a red faced tomato.

"Hmm ok. Hey! We should sneak out.." alya made a mischievous grin.

"Alya! We can't! We-"

"We're gods, are we not?" Alya looked evil almost, but she was just being goofy.

"Hmmf. Your so bad. How bout we wait till the murdered is fine then I can come over?"

"That's no fun." Alya frowned. Suddenly a crash was heard in her end of the mic. "Oh no the twins just broke something! I got to go, text you later!" Alya said and hung up.

Marinette flopped over onto her bed.


Marinette rose her head in surprise. "Who-"

I am Janus. Adrien and I have been... in touch... he has been lying to you, to every one!

"Oh it's you. Get away you scum."

I'm giving you a choice. Rid Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase of their demigod power and I will give you something in return.

"Are you serious? How would I even do that? There no way-"

You are one of the top three gods. You can give power and take it away. Remove the two and you will have Adrien all for you. Your meant for each other.

"How did you... shut up!" Marinette blushed. "No way! I won't!"

If you decline I will make sure Adrien will hate you for all eternity!

Marinette froze. "You can't-"

Oh silly girl. Yes I can. I'm capable of many things, I could take your life right now

Marinette felt an invisible choke hold on her neck. She gasped for air but it only held her harder.

Just... like... that...

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