I Don't Recall

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We arrive at the hospital in about thirty minutes and as promised, Abe and Dariela are there. Beating us there by a few minutes. My contractions had gotten closer together moving to every ten to fifteen minutes. Dariela helps me out of the car as Jackson gets Logan and we head inside. Once a we're there Dariela and I check in, while the boys try to keep Logan as entertained as possible, it'll be best if we can keep him awake while Jackson and I are there so he will sleep for Abe and Dariela.

It doesn't take long before we are shown to a room, since there still aren't lot of people having babies yet, there isn't a long wait for rooms. We get in and get everything sit up, but as everything goes on I notice that my contractions are getting worse and worse, but they aren't getting closer together. I'm holding Logan, talking to him and playing with him, when one hits. As it does I lay my head back and let out a gasp. Dariela takes Logan as Jackson jumps to my side, taking my hand. "Hey, Kat, I'm right here. It's gonna be okay, just breath." I nod and try to take deep breaths. Soon it subsides and I take a few more deep breaths.

I shake my head as it does, "somethings not right." I look over to Dariela.

Dariela hands Logan to Abe, "I'll go get the doctor." Dariela hurries out of the room.

Jackson looks down to me, still holding my hand, worried, "what's going on? What can I do?"

"Just talk to me."

"About what?"

"Anything." I take a few more deep breaths.

"Okay." Jackson nods, "I remember when I first met you, you were so beautiful and curious. I never imagined I'd be here with you right now, you having my children."

I chuckle, "I still can't believe I was the only one to see the Black Rhino." I shake my head.

Jackson shakes his head and bites his lip as he thinks, "I don't recall." He laughs, teasing, as he gently rubs my head, "you looked so happy."

I nod, "that was an amazing trip."

"It changed my life. You changed me life." Jackson sits next to me on the bed, still holding my hand, "Katherine, I have never loved anyone or anything as much as I love you. I can't imagine a life without you and if I hadn't found you, I think I'd still be in Africa, drinking my days away and... and..."

"Being an eccentric playboy." I chuckle.

"If that's what you wanna call it." Jackson laughs.

As Jackson and I smile up to each other Dariela comes back with the Doctor, who comes to the opposite side Jackson is on, "what seems to be the problem Mrs. Oz?"

"My contractions are getting worse, but they aren't getting closer together."

"Alright, that's not a problem, let's have a look. Huh?" The Doctor smiles as I nod. The Doctor presses around my stomach and as he gets to the lower part of my stomach I wince. "Alright, well, it doesn't seem like anything is wrong, but if your contractions don't speed up we will have to break your water."

I nod, "thank you."

Jackson looks over to the Doctor, "thanks Doc." As the Doctor leaves another contraction hits and I gasp, almost as if I can't breath. Jackson grips my hand tightly, "Breath." Jackson does the breathing with me as I look up to him, but the pain becomes more and more intense.

The Doctor hurries back to my side and looks over the monitors, "if this pain continues, we may need to accelerate your labor."

"What does that mean?" Jackson looks over to the Doctor, "what are you going to do?"

"Well, at this point, it appears that your wife's body isn't producing as much Oxytocin as we'd like, so it is making it harder for her cervix to spread. What we will do is give her a shot of a synthetic Oxytocin which will speed up labor considerably. If that's alright with you, Mrs. Oz."

I look over to Jackson who nods before looking over to the Doctor, "let's do it."

"Alright," the Doctor nods, "I'll be right back." the Doctor hurries our of the room.

"It won't be too much longer." Jackson smiles, "and we'll be able to met our beautiful baby."

"Are you still okay with us naming it after your mother and Chloe?"

"I'll be okay with whatever name you pick." Jackson smiles.

The Doctor comes back in with a tray and gloves, "alright, Mrs. Oz, if I could get you on your right side please?" I nod and Jackson helps me roll onto my side, before the Doctor gives me the shot. "Alright, it should only be a few minutes and we can move you into an delivery theatre. I assume Mr. Oz will be coming with you."

I nod, "yes."

I hear Dariela call out, "hey, we're gonna take Logan into the lobby."

"Jackson come get us when the baby arrives." Abe walks over to Jackson and places a hand on his arm.

"Of course." Jackson nods, gripping Abe's arm as well.

"Good luck, Kat." Abe smiles down to me.

"Thanks, Abe." I smile back as much as I can.

"We love you guys." Dariela calls out from the door.

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