Lazy Day

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Over the summer Abe and Jackson took fewer and fewer jobs since Logan was born and Dariela was nearing her due date. But Dariela and I had still been planning missions and tasks for other teams in the field and had taken on the task of coordinating four different teams all over the country. Luck for us, we are nearing the end of the fight against the hybrids, or so we hope since it is becoming harder and harder to find hybrids or nests.

Jackson was fine with me working. Even though I wasn't working much, it gave him time to take care of and bond with Logan. Jackson is an amazing father, just like I always knew he would be and he has become an even better husband than I thought was even possible. On nights I have to work late Jackson has dinner ready when I get home and the house is clean other than a couple of Logan's things, which is to be expected. Logan was just like his father, he is adorable and he knows it. He also knows he has his father and I wrapped around his little puggy finger.

One Saturday morning the three of us sleep in. Since Logan is about three months old he has started to sleep in his own room, even though both doors to the rooms are open and there is a baby monitor on my nightstand. When Jackson and I wake up it is about nine and Logan is still sound asleep. I roll over to Jackson and smile softly, "Good morning."

Jackson smiles, "good morning, beautiful. Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah, for now, but that won't last very long."

"Probably not."

"We should get up shouldn't we?"

"Nah," Jackson shakes his head, "Let's stay here and enjoy the silence."

I nod, "that'd be nice." A few minutes later Jackson and I hear Logan cry, both of us jumping as he does. "He's awake."

"I'll get him." Jackson sighs, getting up.

When he comes back into the room, holding Logan I sit up and smile over to him, "Hey, good morning handsome man."

Logan smile and giggles as Jackson hands him to me, "Here, go to mommy."

I smile as I hold Logan and Jackson crawls back into bed beside me. "Do you know when you're next assignment is?"

"Not yet, I asked Garrison to assign me something close by. The two of us talked about maybe changing my position completely actually. I think he wants Abe and I to train new recruits."

I nod, "That wouldn't be a bad thing. I think it would be good for you actually."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

I bounce Logan in my arms and Jackson holds out his arms, "Come here, big man."

I hand Logan to Jackson and he lays him on the bed between us. I smile as I watch the two of them and laugh softly as Logan giggles and laughs, while Jackson tickles him. Jackson looks up to me and smiles, "What?"

I shake my head, "Nothing. Just admiring my handsome boys."

Jackson smiles up at me, "I love you."

I lean over Logan and give Jackson a soft kiss, "I love you, too."

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