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Not long after Abe, Dariela, and Isaac get there Clem and Sam arrive as well. I smile and walk over to Clem, giving her a hug, careful not to hurt the little one she's holding. "Hey, we weren't sure you two were going to be here."

Clem smiles, "of course, we would. Abe said it was important."

Sam nods, "I'm hoping these meeting aren't common in this family," he sighs softly as he looks around.

Clem walks over to Abe, Dariela, and Jackson. When she does I turn to Sam, "Sam, I know you don't wanna be here, but thank you for coming."

"Yeah, well, what am I supposed to do deny a meeting with my father and step mom? I couldn't do that." Sam puts his hands in his back pockets, "especially after my step mother threatened my life."

I take a deep breath and look around, "Yeah, Sorry, about that."

Sam shakes his head, "No, I get it. You were looking out for your family. Just like I would have." I laugh softly, noticing Sam's hands. "What?"

"You are just like your father."

Sam shakes his head, "I am nothing like Jackson."

I turn my gaze to Jackson and so does Sam, as we watch Jackson talk to Abe, Clem, and Dariela, Jackson puts his hands in his back pockets, just like Sam. I turn back to Sam and smile, "See."

Sam pulls his hands out of his pockets. "There goes the nature vs nurture argument."

A little while later Jamie and Mitch arrive at the house. Jackson greeting them when he opens the door, "Hey, I didn't know if you two were gonna be able to find the place."

Jamie nods, "We had a little problem, but we found it."

I smile as walk over to them, "was it at the fork about three miles back?"

Mitch nods, "Yeah, the one that if you turn right, you literally go in a circle."

Jamie laughs, "the GPS made us go around the circle then straight, instead of turning left. So that was a little confusing."

Mitch sighs, "And took us about ten minutes out of the way."

I nod, "Yeah, sorry, we should have told you guys about that."

Jamie and Mitch had gotten together in the months since the barrier, Jamie had been working on hunting down the rest of the shepherds. While Mitch had been working on catching up on medical information, scientific advancements, and media. Mitch claps his hands together, "so, if everyone is here, what is so important?"

The others walk into the living room for the kitchen as Jackson and I walk to the middle of the living room, "Uh..." Jackson clears his throat, "Well, this is family important and world important."

Clem shakes her head, "What are you talking about?"

Jackson looks over to me, "uh... Abe's cure worked. And... uh... Kat is pregnant."

Isaac jumps up and looks over to his parents, then to Jackson and I, "I'm gonna be an uncle?!"

I laugh softly and nod, "yeah, buddy, you're gonna be an uncle." Everyone looks at us in shock, but soon it fades to happiness as they walk up to us and we exchange hugs and congrats. Even Sam joins in, hugging Jackson. When Sam lets go of Jackson and walks away, Jackson turns to me, surprised. I nod my head and smile.

Dariela turns to Abe, "that means we can have another baby."

About a month had gone by and Reiden had gotten wind of the baby and had started to ask Abe if he would be willing to work for them on mass production of the cure. Of course, Reiden would come in if it meant they would make money, but Abe agrees to so that we can get the cure to as many people as possible. Abe giving much of the credit of the cure to Jackson, trying to clear the Oz name, but Jackson has become accustomed to Smith. My doctor had increased my visits to once every two weeks since being 34 I am considered an old mom. Garrison allowed Abe Jackson to only take tours close to home, since Dariela had gotten pregnant about three months after I did. To celebrate everything going so well, the group decides to go to a locate park and have a joint baby shower for Dariela and I.

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