The haunted mashion

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Sky's point of view

Why did I just say that to her. God i hope she doesn't notice how bad I am blushing.

Bloom's point of view

Ha now I have some dirt on him because he is so blushing his head off. " you do realize that you are blushing more than me at this point." I whispered. " Dang it." he said. I just started laughing silently until I heard footsteps. " I know you are here Greencloak, so come out now." I motion for us to move back deeper into the mansion and Sky nodded his head. So we moved further back in the mansion next to where Lilly was hiding. " what do we do now?" she quietly asked. " we have to get out of here." I said. " but how?" Sky asked. Now I had not thought of it because I am used to thinking about things as I go along. " you have no idea do you Bloom?" Sky asked sweetly. " no," I admitted. " I am used to making up things as problems come to me or thinking of a plan along the way." I said. " Bloom that is so illogical !" Lilly whisper-yelled. " well excuse me but that is just how I work." I whisper-yelled right back. " please stop this or he will hear us." Sky pleaded me, which I kinda think was cute. " ok." I said. " thank you." he said as he kissed me. Yes this was right in front of his sister. She did not acted the way I was expecting. Then I realised why. " Why Lilly?" I asked, " why?" She simply smiled and said, " because everything was always about you. Bloom did this, Bloom did that. Do you know how hard it is to always be in your friends shadow?" as she said the last part her face fell. " Lilly what is going on?" Sky asked. " I thought you would have figured it out when I had acted scared." Lilly said in a sickenly sweet voice. I wanted to barf. Sky must of saw because he scooted closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. " On the count of three you run while I distract them." I whispered to Sky. He had a sad look on his face. " I am not leaving you." he sweetly whispered to me. " I can handle myself." I said. Reluctantly he said, " ok." I counted, " 1,2,3!" I jumped out and released my spirit animal while Sky darted to the door. His sister would have stopped him had Uzara not stopped her. Zerif and my swords clashed, he lost his sword and I ran over to the door slammed it shut and barricaded it. " I am so sorry for what my sister did." Sky said sadly. " It was not your fault." I said and then kissed him. He blushed and I blushed. " Open up this door now you stupid greencloak warrior." both Lilly and Zerif said. " I don't give a mousetail you mouse-brains." I said back while sky was laughing. " Nice insult bloom." he said. I smiled at this complement. " I will let the both of you live if you give up now." Zerif said. "Just do it Bloom. he means well," my ex-friend said. I wanted to barf at this. I restored back, " When pigs fly! Also he means well is not even close to true." Now zerif was really mad at me. " Fine you doormouse." he said. I wanted to scream and put him to sleep, but I restrained myself. " I do not sleep all day. I am more active then you will ever be you crowfood." They busted the door down and were glaring at me. " How in silverpelt did you break down the door?" I asked, " You would need the strength of a bear to do that." Then you know who spoke," Thanks to the bridle you are not the only one with a spirit animal." Sky whispered, " so that's why she has not been around." I was so shocked and ashamed of the fact that I called her a friend. " I can't believe you lied to me and also that I called you a friend." I had tears in my eyes and my spirit animal was trying to calm me down. Then out of know where my rage just took over me. My eyes took the form of cat eyes but keep the cyan blue color. " I thought we were friends!" I yelled. I had my sword in my hand and lunged at them. I had just engaged the enemy. The swords clashed and both the trader and Zerif lost their swords with the strike I had made. Uzara was growling at them as they backed up into a tree. She a death look in her eyes while I had a look of sadness, anger, and disbelief in my eyes. " I can't believe that you would not only lie to me but betray me you trader." I said as tears fell down my face. I still had my sword tip pointed to them but my hand was trembling like it would drop the sword. " what's wrong sis?" someone new said. " hi, Conor." I said to my brother not even taking my eyes off the two conquers. Sky had a sad look in his eyes. " Well it looks like the whole family is here. Wait where's your mom and dad." he said with an evil grin on his face. " Be quiet or this sword will meet your windpipe Zerif!" I shouted at him with even more tears in my eyes. I really hated him so much that I would have no problem with doing what I had said. " They had died in a car crash." Lilly said. "I know that you dim-wit." zerif said with an angry tone. I had had enough so I shouted, " Be quiet you trader. And you," I said while looking at Zerif. " you are going to Greenhaven where they will deal with you.....both. Brother will you take them for me?" I asked Conor. " sure thing sis." he said. " you will never get us you greencloaks." zerif said. He tried to run but I had my sword pointed at his neck while conor had his shepards staff blocking the trader with briggan at his side.Sky had a confused look on his face. When Conor and the two idiots left my eyes returned to normal as tears clouded my them. I looked at Sky. He came up to me and wiped away the tears that had fallen out of my eyes. Then Sky asked, " That was your brother?!" I replied, " yes, that was my brother silly." He went from the sad look to the happy puppy-dog look. I laughed at the sight. He had made my day go from bad to good and from good to great. Uzara come up to me and purred. As she sat down in front of me Sky came to sand right by me. The sun was setting and the sky had a beautiful purple/pink/orange/yellow sunset color to it. When the sun had disappeared Sky said, " I love you Bloom." I replied back, " I love you too Sky." Then he kissed me. When he was done kissing me Sky said, " your eyes are a pretty shade of blue." I had a smile on my face and said, " Thank you. Also they are technically cyan blue." Sky also had a smile on his face as we walked back into town he asked, " do you have a place to stay?" I had a hard time holding back my tears as I said, " No, because I was always on the move because it was what my parents thought was best for me. So i never had a permanent home." Sky must have been shocked but he quickly recovered and said, " why don't you stay with your brother." I replied, " because greenhaven never felt like a true home to me." Sky asked, " why?" I simply said, " because there are too many people and too many people means too many expectations and that makes me nervous." " you can stay with me if you want." sky said. "thank you."

The end

Winx crossover Au and ship One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ