BloomxSky- Looks like a goddess

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Set in the original story line of winx. Not an au or crossover. Warning little bit was sexual action.

Sky's pov.

I was looking for Bloom when I heard a sound. It sounded like someone was singing. I deiced to go see what or who was singing. I was amazed by the voice. It was better than when Musa sings and that's saying something. When I got to where I was going I stopped in my tracks. There in-front of me singing was non other than Bloom. I felt my face go red but not from embarrassment. She was wearing her usual clothing choice but for some reason she looks even hotter. When she stopped I walked up behind her and pulled her closer to me. I slowly started to kiss her on her neck; from the base of it to her lips. I heard a small moan slip from her as I started to make the kiss more passionate. I pinned her to the wall of my room as that was where we were. My hands roamed her body as I whispered in her ear, "You look like a goddess love." She blushed Bright red as I continued what I was doing.

Winx crossover Au and ship One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora