Smoke And Mirrors Part 30

Start from the beginning

"I see. So, I can only use it for self-defence," I recited and she nodded again.

"Secondly, I need to give you the double diamond mark if you're going to use this shade style. Come a little closer and hold out your left palm," she said slyly. I looked at her with scepticism but held out my palm anyways. She leant down and bit into my palm with her sharp pincers, I watched in a panic as I saw venom!

"Ah! You just poisoned me Kure! Am I going to die?!" I squealed. But, she just chuckled at me.

"Don't be silly. Look more closely," She said. As she pointed to my palm with one of her long slender legs, we both leaned in and stared as a grey mark began to appear on my palm. It was of one diamond overlapping another, it felt cool on my palm and I watched as it started to turn black and settle.

"The upper diamond is to absorb Chakra and the lower is to manipulate and release it," she said as she pointed to each diamond as she spoke, "Now!" She stepped back.

"I want you to try and absorb my Chakra with the upper diamond," she told me. I suddenly felt really overwhelmed.

"Wait! Just like that? Right now? I don't know what I'm doing though Kure!" I worried but she just chuckled airily at me.

"If you don't practise you'll never learn!" And without any further notice, she sent a small blue fireball my way. I quickly held out my palm and tried to imagine absorbing the attack but as the flames collided with my palm a hot burning sensation hit me.

"Ah! I'm on fire!!!" I screamed, quickly retracting my hand and blowing on it profusely. Kure deadpanned as she watched me fumble around like a loser.

"And again!" She said, now somewhat more enthused at my dismay. Sending out another fireball.


We practised for a few hours until I started to get the hang of it. She showed me how to use my Dark Release seal to absorb Chakra at close contact, which, was from directly touching someone. And, told me that it was called Dark Release: Grasp of the Underworld. She also taught me how to manipulate and release the Chakra I had absorbed, I wasn't too good at it but I had those basics down by the end of our session. This Dark Release style was really challenging me and I could already tell that It would take lots of practise if I wanted to come anywhere close to mastering it.

Kure told me to make sure I practised the basics before she summoned me back again tomorrow morning. I promised her I would. She really was a strange character, she reminded me of a motherly figure in a way but she also had a creepy dark side too. I thanked her and said goodbye as she reverse summons me back to the hideout.


It must have been about midday. As the smoke started to clear and I saw that I was back in the kitchen sitting where I was before I'd been summoned.

"Oh shit! What the fuck is that!?" Hidan yells unexpectedly as the smoke around me disperses. Kisame, who I could see standing on the other side of the bench, pointed and laughed at Hidan, who'd fallen backwards off his chair in surprise.

"Oh. Sorry Hidan, here. Let me help you up," I quickly held out my hand for Hidan to take, he pulled himself back to his feet.

"You scared the shit out of me. Don't ever do that again, fuck." He sighed, sitting back down next to me. I smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry" I apologised.

"Where were you anyway? You just vanished earlier?" Kisame asked curiously.

"I was training with my summon" I explained, getting up, "I have to get ready for a mission, I'll see you both when I get back."

They both nodded and waved goodbye as I took my leave. I headed straight for my room to get ready, I felt a curdle of fear arise in my stomach again as I walked into my room. I really wasn't too fond of going on this mission but I didn't see any way to get out of it.

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