Hybrid [You Picked ETHAN!]

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The light green room is calming as always. You see Ethan sitting on the floor with his eyes closed. When he feels your presence he opens his eyes and turns towards you. "Hi"

Ethan gets up quickly and hugs you tightly. The wound is hurting, but you don't mind. You're finally where you belong.

"I have never been so scared. When Anna fell and I saw the sword, I..." He never finish because you stop him with a kiss. When you pull away he stares at you.

“Why did you do that?"

"It's you."

"It's me what?"

You kiss him again and whisper in his ear. "It is you I have fallen in love with"

A wide smile appears on Ethan's face and he kisses you. "Why me?"

"Because you're always there for me. You trust me. You understand me in a way that I don't even understand. I love you Ethan, and I have waited a long time to tell you that."

He kisses you again. "I love you too, I think I have loved you since I saw you. You're special."

"I am a hybrid." You tease and Ethan laughs.

"So you keep telling me."

"You're not scared are you? Or mad that I am stronger than you?"

Ethan shakes his head. "You're mine now, I don't care about any thing else."

You smile and kiss him. Then Adam and Daniel burst through the door. "She is...here?" Daniel says confused.

"How are you feeling?" Adam asks, knowing that you have made your choice.

"I am fine." You look into Ethan's eyes and somehow everything fades away.

A couple of months later, you have managed to restore the peace between the two clans. And the best part is....Ethan has asked you to marry him :)

To every one who have read the series....thank you and I hope you enjoyed it.....I have a lot of ideas for a new story, but I need to figure out which one I am gonna chose :)

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