Hybrid [Part 13]

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He smiles and you two leave the room. In the living room Ethan and Daniel is talking, but stops when you enter the room. "Don't let me disturb you." They both fake a smile and look at each other. Your guts tell you that they're keeping something from you

"Hi guys, wanna do something funny?" Adam says and sit down beside you.

"Sure, Adam. What is on your mind?"

Adam looks around in the room, then he spots a deck of cards. "Cards anyone?"

Ethan nods. "Great what are we playing?"


You keep winning, which drives Adam crazy, being the competitive guy he is. "I am not playing this game anymore, she just keep winning!" He complains and put the cards down.

"What? Did she hurt your ego?" Ethan smirks and Adam hits him

"We could do something else? I know a card trick." The guys look at you dealing out the cards in three lines with seven cards. "Alright, pick a card and point at the line it is in." Adam points at one and you continues with this two more times. Then you reveal his card, Kings of hearts

"Wow. How did you do that?" Adam looks at you surprised.

"I can read you mind." You tease him.

"Yeah? what's it saying now?" He has a huge smile on his face.

"Probably something that requires his brain to be sterilized" Ethan says and is once again hit

“Oh come on, he was just joking” you said.

"What more can you do?" Daniel asks and they all look at you.

"Well, I know a way to predict your future. Nothing real, just for fun."

"Then do Danny boy, I wanna know what his future brings." Adam says and smiles to a blushing Daniel.

You deal out the cards in a ring and places a single card in the middle."Alright, ask a question where the answer is either yes, no or a number of something." "Will Daniel ever get a girl?" You turn the card, it’s red which means yes. Daniel blushes

 “I hope he'll be happy with who ever he ends up with” You thought

"Will he ever get married?" another red card is turned.

"I better be invited to that wedding." Adam says and winks.

"Will he ever dye his hair blonde?" Ethan asks and picks a black card.

"No? crap, Because I think you would look good. Your turn Rish."

“Will he always be this shy?” you asked.

The card is red and Daniel is looking at you, shaking his head. "Danny boy, you don't have a choice." Adam says and grins. Daniel gets up and it's obvious that he wants to leave.

"Last question! Will he ever fall in love?" A red card is turned

"Whatever."Daniel says and leaves the room.

"What a drag. What’s that card doing?"Adam says and points at the one in the middle.

"It's the one who decides if everything we've asked is true." You turn it and its red.

"Lucky Daniel. Now do me." Adam demands

After reading Adam and Ethan, with laughter and tears, you decide to call it a day and you walk back to your room thinking of Adam who was destined to end up as someone’s dog, and Ethan who will someday be president of some company.

You walk into your room and your head hit the pillow as Adam walks in. "Tired?"

"Never" You smile 

"So you're not tired? Because you kinda look tired." He smiles and sets up his stuff.

"Are you going to finish your painting?" You ask and open one of your eyes.

"Yes, now go back to sleep." You yawn and closes the eye you opened.

"This isn't working" Adam says after a while.

"What?" "You're not sleeping."

"Well, I guess it's kinda hard when I know what you're doing."

Adam puts down his brush and walks over to you. "Then I just have to make you sleep.

“And how are you going to do that?”

"I am just gonna lay beside you and watch you sleep."

 You stop him. "First, that's not going to work and second, you're not sleeping in my bed."

Adam walks back and picks up the cards he brought from the living room. "If I can find your card, we do it my way

“And if you don't we do it my way”

You pick your card and put it back in the deck. Adam burns the cards and pulls out the one you picked.

“What the????”

"Now that's a card trick and I win so move over." He grins and lays down beside you. "This is better" He says and removes some hair from your face. You blush and look away. He gently places his hand on your face and pulls you back to him.

He smiles and kisses you softly. You're quite surprised because you didn't think he would be so sweet about it, you guessed he would be more rough. But you still enjoy him kissing you and you start to kiss him back.

He pulls away slightly, your lips are barley touching. He gives you a little kiss and lays back. Your face is completely red and you burry your head in your pillow. "I kinda like the color on your face, maybe I can use it in one of my paintings."

"Hey, I didn't mean anything bad about that. I like you, you know that." You look at him. "How can I not know." He smiles, gives you one more kiss and turns around. "Sleep now."

You fall asleep quite soon and it gives Adam a chance to finish his painting. 

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