Chapter 3: Deal and Discussion

Start from the beginning

"Hot? You should bury yourself underground... So you can chill in there for the rest of your life."

"Krak! Krak! Krak! But I already did that a long time ago!"

"Really? But why you're not yet displayed in the museum? You should be there and named you The True Heroin because the moment they saw you will surely get crazy."

His smile fades and said, "Uhh... No one discovered me and I felt so lonely."

"Lonely you say? You're not lonely because millions of bacteria are your number one friends."

"Bacteria? Friends? I'm sorry to disappoint you but even the smallest things I saw won't become my friend."

I want to continue my outburst of anger but it suddenly fades away as he made an X-sign as a timeout.

"Okay! Timeout! Let's stop there! I'm not here to annoy you. I sent you here to make a deal."

"You sent me here to make a deal? I have so many questions here."

He sighed, "Let's get this straight. I'm going to make your wish come true in one condition."

I remained silent because I'm tired to argue with this twerp.

"Krak! Why you wouldn't believe that I'm a god?"

I forgot that he can read my mind, "If you can read my mind, what wish do I have in my mind?"

He smiled and confidently answered my question, "You want your everything back, am I right?"

Crack continued, "Everything... Is it your country? Your people? Your son? Or... Krak! Krak! Krak! I know the father of your son."

I grabbed him by the collar and I don't care if my hand disintegrates, "WHO?"

"SECRET! Krak! Krak! Krak! Kraaaaak!"

Why this freak won't tell me?

I slapped his already ugly face and made his nose bleed but he's still laughing. This is useless and I decided to let go of him.

"Since you're so desperate... I'll give you a clue. He's a very responsible dad–"

–I kicked the right side of his face through Jump Spin Kick and now he's lying on the ground.

"Responsible in my ass..." I said as I glared at him.

He carefully stood up and sat as the chair appeared behind him. Then a wooden table appeared out of thin air as he put his feet on it. He didn't bother with the damage that I gave him and he seemed impressed by my assault.

"You're the only mortal who could do that! Here. Have a seat."

Another chair appeared and we're sitting across each other at the table.

"So, don't you want to know what happened to your world after your death?" He asked as the 3D holographic image of the black Earth with a purple hue and Moon appeared in the middle of the wooden table.

I don't know how that shit works on that kind of table without Photographic Projection Device.

"I ended your world because it's boring without you." He said calmly but that's the vilest shit that I've ever witnessed.

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