Momo Yaoyorozu - 3

Tenya Iida - 2

    Izuku stared at the board in shock, "I-I got four votes?! W-Why?" Katsuki exploded, "Bull! Who voted for Deku?!" The ones who voted for Izuku rose their hand, Ochako, Momo, Kirishima, and Iida. Ochako voiced her reasoning, "'re the strongest out of us all and you're pretty nice, and reasonable." The other two nodded and Mineta made a snarky response. "Except for the fact that he's a crybaby." Katsuki snarled and stomped over to him, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up, "Only I'm allowed to insult Deku you shithead. Want me to shoot that fireball at you instead?" Mineta gulped and shook his head. Katsuki threw him to the floor and smirked. "Good." Izuku smiled, "Thanks for defending me, Kacchan, but I think that's why no one voted for you except yourself." Iida spoke up, "Well that decides it. Yagi is Class President and Yaoyorozu is Vice President!" 

Later, at Lunch

    Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, and Iida walked through the halls and into the large cafeteria called 'Lunch Rush's Eatery'. Ochako smiled as they walked in, "Wow! There's a lot of people in the cafe today!" Iida added to her statement, "That's because every single student is here. Heroics, Management, General Studies, and the rest." They all got their lunch and sat at a table together, they dug into the lunch that Lunch Rush at prepared for all of the students. Ochako took a bit of rice with her chopsticks and popped it into her mouth to which she almost melted in a smile. "Woowww! The rice is so delicious, you guys!" Izuku looked at his food and back to her, chuckling. "I know. Dad took me here all the time as a little kid. It was awesome, the first time I came here I was six. The same day I met you, Ochako-san." Ochako smiles at Izuku, "That's awesome! What was Aizawa-Sensei like as a young hero?" "Oh! He was still as scruffy, rude, and anti-social as now. But he had shorter hair and no facial hair." Iida nodded, "What about All Might?"

    Katsuki smirked, "Let me answer this one Deku. Let's put it this way, he was fucking awesome as usual. He revealed himself to me and Deku on Deku's fourth birthday, when we also saw his quirk before our eyes. My parent's jaws dropped when they saw All Might poof into Izuku's Dad." Izuku nodded, "Oh and Ochako, you remember that woman that was with me when we first met?" Ochako nodded and Izuku continued, "That was Midnight-Sensei. She proclaimed herself as my Aunt Nemuri, or as I childishly put it, 'Auntie Nemmie'." Ochako's jaw dropped at this, "I was two feet away from the Pro Hero: Midnight?!" Izuku smirked and Katsuki cackled evilly as Izuku responded happily, "Yep!" Ochako shrugged, "Well I can't act jealous. I should be thankful for your family, Deku-kun." Izuku smiled, "It's no biggie. My Dad donates money to charity and other stuff all the time." Iida was confused by this and questioned Izuku, "What's she talking about?" Ochako blushed a little, embarrassed. "O-Oh family is pretty poor and went through hard times, but knowing All Might's son had some perks. Izuku as a little kid told him and his Mom everything and they invited us over for dinner once where they generously offered to keep us afloat. Just giving us enough plus what my Dad earns to keep us entertained, fed, bathed, and the electricity going. We didn't wanna be greedy."

    Katsuki smirked, "Yeah you did need it. I'd say that's the most heroic thing All Might could do." Suddenly, an alarm went off all over the campus and an announcement was played over the intercom. "There has been a Level 3 Security Breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." Iida turned to an upperclassman that was sitting next to their group and asked, "What's a Level 3 Security Breach?!" The older student quickly replied whilst standing up, "It means someone is trespassing on school grounds! I've never seen anything like this in my three years here! We should go!" As all of the students rushed through the corridors, soon becoming packed with students trying to escape toward the exits. Iida rushed to the side of the corridors, being pressed against the glass he saw the media had gotten in somehow and were ordering Aizawa, and Present Mic to give them All Might. 

    "Give us All Might! He's here, isn't he?!," a familiar brown-haired reporter shouted. Present Mic just sighed and told her again, "We told you. He isn't here." Aizawa sighed and raised his hands to push them back, "If you get one comment then you'll want another. It's just how you are." Present Mic leaned over and whispered to Aizawa, "They are illegally trespassing, you know. You could call them villains. Think we can beat em' up?" "Don't do it, Mic. They'll write a bunch of half-truths about you. Let's wait for the Police." Back inside, Iida realized that there was no danger. 'No one has noticed there's no danger! There are no teachers either...someone has to tell them! What would Yagi or my older brother do in this scenario?'  He noticed Ochako in the crowd and called out to her, "Uraraka! Make me float!" She nodded and reached out to Iida, just barely touching his hand with a pink spark and he floated in the air. Once in the air, Iida activated his Engine Quirk with a yell, "Engine Boost!" He flew through the air over the students in numerous rolling motions through the air. He eventually collided with the wall above the exit sign. Grabbing onto a pipe to hold him up while standing on the sign. 

    "Everyone! Calm down! It is just the media! There is nothing to panic about. Everything's fine! This is U.A. Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best." Izuku smiled at Iida while everyone calmed down, sirens sounding as the police arrived at the prestigious school. On the outside, Mic cheered and laughed. "Haha! Goodbye, mass media!" The police dragged the media out of the school. 

After Lunch, Class 1-A

    Aizawa sighed, "C'mon Class Pres. Start." Izuku nervously began speaking while standing at the front of the class with Yaoyorozu. "N-Now, let us decide on other class officers..but first can I say something? I think that Tenya Iida should be the Class President! Not me. During that alarm, I wasn't able to do anything, while he managed to grab everyone's attention and lead them. Telling them that there was no danger and ending the panic. I think it's best to allow Iida to be the Class President." There was an agreement coming from Kirishima, "Yeah. Yagi's right. It's true that Iida was a big help in the cafeteria today." Iida gave a thankful nod to Izuku as the greenhead sent one back at him. Aizawa interrupted them with a tired glare, "You're wasting time. I don't care what you do, just do it."

    Iida stood and sighed, "If the Class President has nominated me, there's no helping it. I will honorably take the position. Thank you, Yagi. From this day forth, I, Tenya Iida, promise to do my best to carry out the duties of Class President." Kirishima smiled and gave a thumbs-up, "We're counting on you, Emergency Exit! Emergency Exit Iida!" Everyone smiled and encouraged him as Yaoyorozu just stared blankly, "What about me...?"

Outside at the Gates of U.A.

    Outside, Nezu, Midnight, Recovery Girl, and Thirteen inspected the damage. "How were the ordinary members of the press able to do this?," Nezu questioned, looking at the gate that was reduced to ashes. "Someone instigated this. Did someone evil slip in... 

or was it intended to be a declaration of war?"

(A/N: Haha! Two Chapters within 5 hours of each other! Kaboosh! So, who destroyed the gate? Is there a villain in our midst, or just some story-hungry journalists? Find out next time

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(A/N: Haha! Two Chapters within 5 hours of each other! Kaboosh! So, who destroyed the gate? Is there a villain in our midst, or just some story-hungry journalists? Find out next time.

Father and Son (Dadmight AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя