At School

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This story begins at George Mcparland school, here's how it goes:

As me,Al,Delilah,Mel,Tatum, Cooper,Veggie,and Pearl walk to our 3rd period class,Mr. Baobab.He says "I have awesome news the School has funded MY class with jet tickets, For a research project!" We got excited except for the research part.

He then starts to get serious. "This is not a vacation, it's a project, if I see you messing around I WILL have you sent back here!" We hate when he gets like that!

Delilah and Mel said "whatever he's not watching us 24/7."
He then says " After you get in your groups we'll get going!"Of course we get in our daily groups me,Delilah,Mel, and Al get in a group the in the other group is Tatum,Add,G, Veggie, and Cooper.Since Dawn had no other group to join she was forced to join our group.Delilah tried to convince Baobab to have her join Tatum's group but he didn't listen.

He said he has 14 tickets.2 tickets for each continent.As we were about to go on the Jet, Luella,Michael,And Angie sneak on the jet 'cause they didn't want to stay in Manteca.

We begin to lift off.....

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