I put on the pink boxers and a black button up shirt and I crawl into the bed that he had put in and I fall asleep. I feel cold arms around me and I roll into them and I hear him softly chuckle and whisper, "I see you found them."

I wake up this morning refreshed and I walk down stairs and everyone sees Jaz's pink boxers. I put on my engagement ring and I smile at it knowing I'm going to be married to the man of my dreams. I see Esme had made breakfast and then I feel something move in my stomach. I eat some of it and I take the rest with me and I walk to Carlisle's study so we can talk without anyone hearing me.

Carlisle says, "Brinley, what's wrong?"

I text Edward, 'Get your mother fucking ass in Carlisle's study and say that you have a question on antrophy that you read in a book. Bring Jazzy Poo.'

Edward and Jasper are in here in 2 seconds. I place Carlisle's hand on my stomach and he feels it move. I ask, "Am I going crazy?"

Carlisle says, "No, Brinley, you are not. You do seem to have the symptoms of pregnancy though."

Jasper comes over to me and places his hand on my stomach and feels it move. I place my hands on Jasper's ears and yell, "Esme!!"

She runs in and I say, "Can you make me some Chicken Alfredo? Can you come over here first?"

She says while walking over to me, "Yes, I can."

I grab her hand and place it on my stomach and the baby moves. She gasps and says, "Oh my god."

I say, "So Grandpa. What's going to happen now? Am I going to be drinking blood bags?"

Carlisle smiles and says, "Most likely. Do you want to try it now?"

I think about it and say, "No. I really just want Chicken Alfredo with broccoli mixed in. Chef Esme, begin your work."

Esme smiles and repeats, "Chef Esme out."

I say, "Send Rosie in here please."

Right as I say that Rosie is in here. she walked in pushing everyone aside with Emmett on her tail. I grasp her hand and Emmett's and place it on my stomach. She looks like she is going to cry and asks, "Are you going to keep the baby?"

I say, "Sorry, Jasper. I don't know your opinion on this. But yes, I don't believe in killing an innocent child. I'm also not giving a half vampire baby up for adoption. Do you see my bump!!!"

Rosalie's smile widens and Japser face looks torn between my excitement of my bump, and the possibility of this baby killing me.

I say to lighten the mood, "So, Edward. How is stalking your woman going?"

Edward grumbles, "I am not stalking Bella."

Jasper and Emmett laugh and Jasper says, "Man, you are going through her window to watch her sleep."

Edward says, "Guys, let's go. Brinley and Jasper need to talk."

Everyone shuffles out of the room and I get nervous. I nervously ask, "Do you even want a baby with me?"

Jasper says, "We didn't know that this was possible. But Darlin', I would love to have a baby with you if it didn't potentially kill you."

I say, "Human pregnancies can kill you. Jasper, there are infinite possibilities on how this could go wrong. If you think about the negatives, you are never going to see what a great opportunity this is for us."

Jasper thinks about it some more and says, "Your right, but I don't want to lose you."

I say, "We will get through this. One step at a time. Now take me down stairs. If this results in me becoming like you, we can have tree sex."

He growls and I say, "You can deal with that. I'm hungry."

He kisses me lightly and I smile into the kiss. He speeds me down the stairs and I stay there. I walk into the kitchen and say, "Chef Esme this looks amazing. You even made garlic bread."

She hugs me and helps me into a chair. I say, "Alice?"

She speeds in and I say, "Have you seen what I named the baby?"

She says, "I can't see your future anymore."

I frown and say, "Ok. Well, we should think of baby names and make a list."

Rosalie says, "I have a list for girls all ready. I'm working on boys."

I eat my food and I am so happy at the taste and I say, "Carlisle, I think I'll try the blood now."

Carlisle grabs a bag and pours it into a cup and I point to the door for Jasper. I say, "Go outside, Jazz. Go kill a deer."

He nods and runs outside, and soon the rest of them follow. I try it and I say, "It's not as bad as I thought it would taste."

Carlisle and Edward chuckle at me.

They all shuffle back into the house and Jasper picks me up and we go to the living room. I stand up and I lift up my shirt and say, "Rosalie, did my bump get bigger? It feels bigger."

Rosalie looks shocked and says, "It did."

I say, "I've only been pregnant for at the most 3 weeks."

Carlisle says, "Your child is fast growing because of the venom. As of right now, Brinley, you could give birth in a month maybe two if your lucky."

Fast forward to July 2nd.
Brinley's POV:
I feel these painful cramps for a minute and it releases and happens 2 minutes later again. I scream and Carlisle rushes down the stairs and says, "You are going into labor."

He gently stabs me with a needle that contains morphine and lets that spread and he rushes me upstairs and Edwards follows him to help. Jasper sits in too, not wanting to miss the birth of his only child. Carlisle cuts me open and I keep a firm grip on Jasper and he sees the pain in my face and feels it and focuses on me and Carlisle bends down and bites the embryonic sac causing me to scream and then I hear a magical sound my baby is crying. I feel more movement inside of me and Carlisle pulls out another baby. I have a boy and a girl.

Carlisle notices the drop in my heart rate and says, "She's lost too much blood. Brinley, do you want to be a vampire?"

I think, 'Yes.'

Edward says, "Yes, she was thinking yes."

Carlisle bites me and Jasper does as well. I definitely get what they mean by the burning sensation. Damn this is painful.

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