Day #?

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Just want to say before this story gets taken down or something I just want to say that all the pictures and the game belong to their rightful owners.
It feels like its been days since I was taken. Slowly my wounds healed with the assistance of the goldy, besides my ear which is probably never coming back.

(Goldy) "oh. Hey. Your finally awake"

she says as you sit up after a long night of fatigue due to healing and....that.... As you groan and try to move again. Sadly you realize that you are still chained to that god awful bed. As you keep struggling Goldy giggles and puts a vice on your mind. Giving you a splitting headache and a throb that causes you to scream in pain.

(Goldy) "you know what the punishment is for thinking about escape"

she says as she grows solemn and releases the pressure on your head.

(You) ""

you spit as you gasp for breath and feel the crushing pain in your head return, but with more force, and feeling as if it is spreading throughout your whole head. Your eardrums are close to rupturing, your teeth feel loose, your tongue is swelling, your eyes are turning red around the edges as blood wells around them, you can hear every beat of your heart in your brain, and worst of all, by far the worst thing that could have occurred, your nose plugs up.

After 45 seconds of agony, you thrash around and you hear a creak on either side of you before a audible snap is heard as you swing your arms and grab the bear by the neck and throw her to the ground before grabbing your ears and thrashing around wildly, trying in vain to get the pain to stop before finally passing out, with chains dangling at your wrists.

When you finally wake up again you feel heavier chains on your wrists and feet, and what seems to be a few hundred pounds on your chest as you open your eyes and see the golden bear sitting down on your chest, staring deeply into your eyes as you try to scramble back, but end up just grunting and moving your toes and fingers a bit.

(Godly) "oh so the prisoner finally woke up did he? How was the pain earlier today? What was it like when I put the same pressure as a mile under the ocean on your head?"

she says in a sadistic tone before starting to laugh as you struggle to breath

(goldy) "I was surprised that you didn't wake up sooner. I weigh much more than all of their others. Almost three times as much"

she says in a matter-of-fact tone before finally getting off your chest and letting you breath.

(You) ""

you struggle to say as you stare in the emotionless abyss that is the eyes of the golden bear standing behind your head as you gasp for breath and try to get some answers out of the captors.

(Goldy) "oh you are so forgetful it almost seems as if you do it on purpose"

she says as you suddenly remember. Mindreading.

(You) "'die"'

you think as you cringe while waiting for the pressure to come, but it never does.

(You)"what are you planning! Tell me!"

you yell angrily after expecting the crushing pain but never feeling it, leaving you anxious.

(Goldy)"well hon if you were to just listen to me and not act like you have a stick up your butt then we might be able to get along"

she says

(You)" yeah and if you didn't act like you wanted my stick up your butt that would be easier"

You say as the scantily clad robot looks down on you, clearly annoyed but amused

(goldy)"do you want me to bring in SB, she would love to hear you say that again"

she says, threatening you with a very real threat as you quiet down and close your mouth.

(Goldy)"so do you feel like cooperating now?"

she says as you just quietly nod.

When she finally gets done unlocking the chains that's when you realize how stiff that table had made you as you start to twist and turn your body in what is probably unhealthy directions before going to sit down on the side of the table and sigh before looking up to see the two who have been your "hosts" for god knows how long before they start staring at you expectantly


you ask cluelessly as they both facepalm with....strange coordination

(both girls)"well what's a question you want to ask us dummy?"

they say as you quickly ask the question you have had this whole time

(you)"so how are you girls able to keep yourself entertained back here? I mean what is there even to do?"

you say while looking around the place

(SB)"well usually we would sleep or read manga but SOMEONE decided that we shouldn't have manga"

she said while flicking you on the forehead as you hold up your hands

(you)"okay, okay, I get it i'll bring it back all right?"

you say as they smile and say


before hugging you, but, gently this time, and not the I want to fuck you type of hug, but an actually emotional hug as you start to feel warm and join the hug as you feel a hand grab your member and a deep blush hits your face as you back up to see SB grinning like an idiot

(SB)"I was getting bored so I spiced things up a bit"

she says as you groan and lay back and ask the other question you have had for a while

(you)"when can I leave?"

you say as both of their faces dim and they look down

(both girls)"what do you not like it here?"

they ask as you suddenly feel really guilty

(you)"no, no its not that its just that, you know, uhm, I was wanting to see sunlight and maybe get back to my job?"

you say as they both look back up again

(SB+Goldy)"so you don't hate us?"

they say happily

(you)"no i don't hate you. But take my lack of hate as payment for healing me, even if you couldn't help my ear"

you say while sadly feeling the mangled lump on the side of your head as they both look at each other before nodding

(both girls)"we will let you go on 1 condition"

they say as you immediately look up

(you)"yes what is it?"

you say impatiently

(SB)"you have to date me"

Well if you guys were wondering when I would be back then well, here I am hope you are all enjoying some gifts that you have gotten! Make sure to enjoy them while you can! Anyways I apologize for the long break and short chapter. This is a 2 part chapter because I kinda hit a block here that hopefully I come over soon. Anyways, you are all great and I would like to thank all of you who supported me and read my word vomit here and for everyone who voted and gave me the motivation to complete this story.

This has been theEmbarrassedWriter,
Signing off way too late, in bipolar 50°F weather two days after Christmas.

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