One Hundred & Fifty Four

Start from the beginning

"T-Takes one t-to know one Re-Remus,"  Corruption said with a smirk.  "Any-Anyways."

Without another word, Corruption shot a bolt of lighting at the four.  Deceit turned quickly, shielding Quinn from the sparking onslaught. 

But instead of shocking them like expected, the lighting wrapped around them.  It tied them together, and moved them towards the cage of lighting the rest of us were in.

Corruption clapped his hands, sending the four of them flying into the lightening cage.  Deceit and Quinn landed heavily on the ground in a tangle of their legs.  Remus and Evan crashed into Logan, sending them backwards into Patton.

Logan helped Patton up but Remus stayed on the floor.  Remus held Evan tightly in his lap, wrapping himself as best he could around Evan's tiny body.

Upon further notice I could see that Evan was indeed awake and uninjured.  But he was crying softly, his hands twitching in his lap.  He was just staring ahead of himself, seeming unfazed but what was happening. 

Evan looked utterly traumatized.

It made me wonder how far Jealousy and Ignorance got.  But just thinking about it made my anxiety worsen as bad memories appeared. 

"N-Now let the t-trail begin!"  Corruption screeched, the insane look back in his eyes.  Well, it's always there, but it became more prominent.

"What the hell is a trail?"  Roman asked.  I shrugged. 

"This could be what Wylan was talking about,"  Logan said.  "About the executions that took place."

"Oh,"  Roman responded. 

"Bring forth the accused!"  Corruption said.  A chair of black, twisting lighting appeared behind him.  He grabbed the chain attached to the shackles around Draven's wrists. 

Draven fell heavily to the ground in front of the chair.  With a smirk, Corruption sat down.  Then a smaller chair of blue-grey lightening appeared next to Corruption.

Wylan, who was just sobbing on the ground, finally seemed to realize what was going on.  The blue-grey lighting around his hands jerked forwards to the chair, dragging Wylan onto the chair.

He tried to struggle, but it was pointless.  Wylan was stuck to the chair.  Corruption sat a hand on Wylan's thigh while glaring at Draven.  Wylan stared at the hand, obviously having mixed emotions.

"N-Now, let us be-begin,"  Corruption purred.  "Will th-the prosecutor st-step for-forward?"

Steve appeared next to Corruption, seeming to be materializing from thin air.  The pool of dread and anxiety grew in my stomach. 

"Your majesties,"  Steve said, bowing to Corruption and Wylan.  "First Lieutenant Draven has been accused of a multitude of crimes against Corruption."

"G-Get on with it,"  Corruption said, waving a dismissing hand.  Steve summoned a long piece of paper, holding it up in front of him.

"I, Steve the Dark Mage, hereby accuse First Lieutenant Draven of the following crimes,"  Steve said. "Conspiring with the enemy, betraying his leader, talking to the Queen, speaking the Queen's name, abandonment of his post, giving away information to the enemy, giving his name to the enemy, first degree murder of his own brother, attempted assassination on his leader, treason, protecting the enemy, and the capital crime. Falling in love with the Queen."

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