[2] Clover Kingdom

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3rd POV

The five of them pushed through the crowds in frustration. Clearly this ticked off Natsu, as he was starting to spark up the fire in his fists. But before he could, Erza turns towards him, giving him the stare that made everybody shiver in pain.

Natsu quickly backed down his actions and smiled awkwardly. After a few more minutes, the large crowds disappeared, making them sigh in relief. Everybody stared at them weirdly, mainly at the flying blue cat.

Luckily Happy kept his mouth shut, because if he didn't, who knows what would've happened.

"So, what's the plan Erza?" Gray asked.

"From what I can tell, this is like any other kingdom, with a ruler. So we find the king or queen and try to figure out where we are and how to possibly get back to Fiore." She explained.

"I don't think that Fiore is close by.." Happy whispered, looking at the citizens with flying magical books they passed by.

"If I'm correct, I don't believe that we are in the same wor-" Before Erza could finish her sentence, she bumps into somebody.

"Ouch!" The male whimpered. They all looked down at the short silver haired male.

"My apologies, I was not paying attention to my directions," she said, holding her hand out.

"I-it's fine," he grabbed her hand as she helped him up.

"You guys don't look like you're from around here," he claimed.

"That is correct, we are trying to find our way to the ruler of this land. May you help us perhaps?" She asked.

"Are you looking for the Wizard King?!" He questioned in excitement with his eyes shining. The team stared at him in silence before Erza speaking up, "Wizard King? There's magic here?"

Asta blinked before answering, "Well yeah of course, mana is what you mean right?"

"Mana? Is that magic here?" Erza asked.

"Yes..?" Asta looked at them questionably but shrugged it off.

"Oh I'm Asta by the way," he introduced.

"Hey! I'm Lucy."

"I'm Erza."



"Nice to meet you foreigners," Asta said.

"Now, may you help us go to this so called, Wizard King?"

"Well it's not that easy to-"

"Oi, Asta! Don't wander off like that," a raven haired male scolded, alerting the team and Asta.

"Yuno! Look who I met!" Asta said. Yuno just looked at them with an unemotional expression.

"We'll be late to the exam," Yuno reminded, before turning his heels and walking off.

"Ehh, sorry, I gotta go! I'll see you guys around!" Asta waved, running off.


"An exam huh?" Natsu mumbled in interest.

"We can still use our magic here, but they call it mana," Erza informed.

"Why don't we try out this exam? Maybe we'll get more used to this place and know more." Erza stated.

"YES! I'M FIRED UP!" Natsu cheered.

"I'm excited to finally get to fighting, I hope these people bring up a fight," Gray sighed.

"Good luck Daddy! I know you'll get accepted into a Magic Knight!" A young child cheered.

"Hurry along, I don't want to be late," the father said. The team looked at each other and followed behind the family.


They ended up at an arena looking stadium.

"Everybody wanting to participate, get in line!" The team got in lines and looked around. Lucy, Erza, and Gray quickly noticed that everybody had a book.

"Is this even a grimoire?" Team Natsu turned their attention to the front of the line beside them.

"Yes it is, see?!" Asta shoved the book in the man's face.

"Look, it's Asta and that guy," Lucy pointed out.

"Okay fine, you're #165," the man said in irritation, causing Asta to scurry off.

"Next." When the four of them walked up to the man in a cloak, he looked at them weirdly.

"Uh, grimiore,"

"Grimiore?" they ask.

"Yes, please let me see yours,"

"We don't have on-"

"We don't have our's on us right now.." Lucy lied.

"Well, no grimiore, no entrance, next!" The man shouted. The team hesitantly moved to the side and looked at each other for a plan.

"We each need to make our own grimiore," Gray suggested.


"Ice make: grimiore!" Gray chanted, a frozen grimiore falling into his palm.

"Ah, I see. But not all of us have the type of magic to create," Erza said.

"I'll make a few more and you guys will just have to decorate them yourselves," Gray explained.

"Let's hurry,"

After a few minutes, they each had their own frozen grimiore. Natsu was on the verge of melting it, but was stopped by Erza.

"Okay, let's go." They got back in line, and made it into the arena.


"Hmm, from what I can tell, they use their magic from these books or grimoires. How do we use magic from these?" Lucy asked in worry.

"We don't need them. We only needed to get inside, just do what the exam asks us to do. Even if we are doing things differently."

"And somehow we made it inside with Happy.."


"Oi! Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Natsu right?"

They turned around to see Asta waving and walking towards them.

"Nice to see you again, Asta."

"I didn't know that you guys were interested in the entrance exam!"

"Well here we are."

"Yes! Looks like we're all competing today, but I'll still turn out as Wizard King!"

"Woah look, it's the squad captains!" Everybody gasped and turned around. After a dramatic entrance of all the captains, William Vangeance steps in.

"He looks funny," Natsu commented, causing the crowd around him to trigger in anger.

"How dare you say that about him!" A noble flares.


"Get ready to be slaughtered, you peasant," the noble spat, causing Natsu to narrow his eyes.

"Candidates, sorry to keep you waiting. I will be conducting this exam," William said.

When suddenly, he pulled out his grimoire into his palm. The grimoire flipped multiple pages, as he casted, "Magic Tree, Descend!"

Everybody gasped in awe as the clouds closed in and roots came from above. Each candidate was given a broom stick, Team Natsu however, looked confused.

"We will now begin the Magic Knights Entrance Exam."

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