[6] New Base

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3rd POV

The sun shown over the Clover Kingdom which quickly woke the Black Bulls. Asta smirked as he yanked his robe on and ran out the door. Only to be encountered with a pillar, his face cracked into it. 

"What the hell, you good?" Gray asked, walking up. 

"Y-yeah, where's Natsu?" Asta asks. 

"Probably still asleep."

"Shouldn't we-" 

"Morning newbies! Wait, one of you is missing," Magna inspected. 

"Ya' got that one right, Natsu is still knocked out," Gray commented as he shoved his hands in his pockets in a bored manner.

"Newbie already slackin' huh? We better wake him," Magna growled. 

"Uh, sir, about this pillar.." Asta added in confusion.

"What about it?"

"I don't think it was here yesterday," Asta reminded.

"Don't worry about a pillar. The base itself changes its shape all the time," he reassured. 


"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"This place is weird," Gray commented.

"All right, let's wake that newbie up. He thinks he could disrespect me?" 

"I don't suggest waking him, but you do you. I'll just watch." 

"EH? Whatever I'll wake him up!" Magna shouts, aggressively marching towards Natsu's room. 

"Oi! You can't sleep all day-" before Magna could bang on the door, Natsu slams the door open on him. "Huh?" Natsu yawns as Happy flies beside him lazily. 

"Wow you woke up, that's a first." 

"Where are we again-" 

"You moron, we're in the Black Bulls' base," Gray scolded. 


"I know how it feels like, I woke up thinking that this was all a dream. But it was a dream come true!" Asta proudly added in excitement. 

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure," Natsu played along with it. 

"I thought I heard Magna's voice a second ago." 

"Yeah, before you crushed your door on him," Gray laughed. 

"Oh, oops." Natsu moves the door to reveal Magna stuck on the wall. 


"Wake him up." 

"Oh hell yeah, I'm fired up already!" Natsu agrees as fire bursts from his fist. 

"No, not like that you damn idiot. You trying to kill him? Just slap him or something." 

"Isn't that disrespectful?" 

"YES IT IS!" Magna screeches as he awakens from his nap behind a door. 

"You'll pay for that you newbie!" 

"Nah, I'm good." 

Magna sighs deeply and calms down. 

"All right, let's get going before anything else happens." 

The four of them went downstairs to the cafeteria dining room to be greeted by a Celestial mage and a Requip mage. 

"Lucy, Erza!" 

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