Part 32

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Diana made a plan, her plan is to bring in the rest of the family in which she had Daisuke call them in, the main location to protect is the school, then Diana, Croix and Lotte are going to go find Akko, Chariot and Sucy, while Hanna and Barbra are going to meet up with Lily and Anna, searching the city...At the school Daisuke was place in charge of helping since he was a bit more responsible like Diana, Professor Finn had the other students who wish not to participate put in a safety room were they will be supervise by other professors, after all those battles before they have gone through had prepared the school and thanks to Akko, Croix and Constance, they were able to build a place were it would be safe...Lucky for the headmistress the other witches were told about the situation, of the chance of an attack on not just their school, but others as well the school was ready for an attack if it should the forest Diana was with Croix and Lotte...

Croix: "Anything?"

Diana: "No, not much, I can smell her all over the forest, but I cannot pin point where"

Lotte: "Just relax and focus, I know you can do it Diana"

Diana nods her head and closes her eyes...she then sense something, it felt similar, but odd...suddenly she heard rustling and all the girls duck down as something was going to attack them...Diana and the other look and saw...every one's eyes widen...

Akko POV

Dam my head...I feel sore and tired...what did they do...huh...wait...what are these...I try to move, but heard rattling...hell no, I am chain up...I try to pull on them, but they must have some kind of spell or something...this is not good and I can't see where am I...I then hear more rattling...

Akko: "Hello! Who is there?"

Sucy: "Can you just shut up, your giving a head ach...fuck I never felt this much pain in a long time..."

Chariot: "Mmmn...what...were...where am I?"

Akko: "Chariot! Is that you, and Sucy!"

Chariot: "Akko! Sucy! Where are we?"

Akko: "I am not sure, all I do know is we got captured, we let our guard down, that was dumb of ass is, so fuck..."

Sucy: "Tell me about it..."

Chariot and I were confused...I had a feeling Sucy were blushing, but dam Lotte I did not see that coming ha-ha, I finally have something on Sucy sweet...

Sucy: "nothing...forget I said anything, if you say anything"

Akko: "We won't, but what can you all see, I can't seem to get these chains off me, its like they add something to them, and without my vision I am unable to do shit..."

Chariot: "Well they have us separated, so I can not see what is on your side, but I think my chains are going to be a bit easier, wait...they took my wand..."

Sucy: "No duh...its call being kidnap, huh, I think I can get out of mine..."

I waited then she responded...

Sucy: "Nope, no use, they took all my things..."

Suddenly a door opens, I can only hear footsteps...they stop right in front of what I presume to be my cage or whatever I am in...I hear it open and then I heard a female voice...

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