Part 28

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Akko POV

After leaving the office me and Diana walk to the cafeteria, but then I remember I need to make a call, so I ask Diana to go ahead with the gang while I make the call, I head to one of the halls outside while making the call...

Akko: "Yes hello this is Atsuko Kagari, yea I need you to do me a favor, yea, yea I owe you from before you can get what you want when everything is done, and keep the group on alert tell father as well, Yes Aki I will take care, also your and uncle, bye"

I giggle and then I felt something off I turn around and saw a rock on the floor...

Akko: "This looks odd"

I then notice the kind it was and I got back and put a barrier around it and as soon as I did it exploded, after the explosion was done, I let down the barrio and I ended up coughing from the smoke, I then felt my eyes sting and I fell to my knees, I shake my head, rubbing my eyes, I then open them, but I could not see anything, I, I am blind...but how...I have to get to Diana and the others...I wish I listen to the others about seeing without seeing...I took a deep breath and use the vines to help lead me, I held to the wall feeling it as well...I hope I can find someone, anyone...

Daisuke POV

Me and Lucy were in the front sitting near the fountain when Lucy notice something behind...

Lucy: "Hey Daisuke is that not your mom over there, why is she leaning near the wall and should she not be using magic"

I turn to see mom struggling to get around, is she trying to be sneaky...I sigh and get up me and Lucy walk up to her and I felt something off, I saw the plants below her helping her we got closer and then she turns...

Akko: "Daisuke!"

Daisuke: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Akko: "Huh, I guess you would find out eventually, Daisuke I can't see..."

Daisuke: "Alright mom please be serious"

Mom look down then put one of her hand on my shoulder or at least she tried she was going the wrong direction...

Lucy: "Daisuke, I think she is telling the truth we should get her to the nurse office and tell your mother"

Daisuke: "You are right, mom hold on to me and we will lead you to the nurse office, Lucy can you get my mother please"

Akko: "She should be in the cafeteria with the others and thank you Dai"

I help my mom leaning her arm around my shoulder and neck and we made our way to the nurse once there I set her on the bed, the nurse walks up to us...

Nurse: "Ms. Kagari what is wrong?"

Akko: "He-he, I can't see"

Nurse: "How did this happen?"

I see mom sigh and we waited for her responds...


Lucy was running through the hall and made her way to the cafeteria, she opens the doors and startle everyone inside...

Lotte: "Lucy!"

Lucy walk up to them panting, she was never used to running...

Lucy: "A...Akko, she in the nurse office..."

Diana: "What!"

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