Part 18

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Akko POV

We were flying through the sky when I heard noise coming from below...I signal the others to lower and we land...we quietly approach and we see a cave and two demons guarding...which is no longer strange...well it is since we never seen them plan before...we use out magic and transform into cats, we manage to sneak pass the guards and got inside the cave...we look around and we see light coming from below...we look for anyone coming and we cross to the other side...we climb the wall and see more demons around like 22 in total...we see them digging, but for what...we kept an eye until we heard voices...we see two elder woman yelling at each other...

Woman1: "Can you believe our dark lord lost...sad really, but at least he did not leave with out leaving information to us...he-he"

Suddenly one of the demons comes to them and hands them a dark crystal...I feel like I see that before...

Woman2: "With this crystal, we might just be able to take down Atsuko Kagari...that brat killed our master and now we will get payback...he-he...ha-ha!"

We waited until they left and once we had an opening, we walk towards the digger area...we sneak around in our cat form...then Croix hits something along her walk...we look and see a small dark crystal...I then start feeling weird...he-he I am feeling weird...


While Chariot and Croix examine the crystal Akko start changing her tail...Croix looks and then both stare at Akko...

Chariot: "A...Akko you ok?"

Akko looks at them with a smile...giggling...

Akko: "He-he...why is their four of you...hey can you stop moving to much..."

Akko says laying down on the floor...the other two look concern...

Croix: "I think we should get her out of here"

The two nod, before seeing Akko walk off to who knows were...Croix and Chariot follow...they follow her to a chamber of some sort and Akko climbs up and finds an opening and lays down...they look at her confuse, of course Croix put the crystal away...once she did Akko started feeling better...She sakes her head and looks at the two....

Akko: " head what the hell happen..."

Croix: "We don't know you tell us?"

Akko was going to say something when they heard voices...they look and it's the two women...

Woman1: "Hm...I wonder how she would act with his mineral...this crystal shall be our success to taking over the world...not even the hero can stop us ha-ha"

Woman2: "Yes...once this black crystal gets in their system she should turn into a dog the obeys and if I remember right the dark lord said that the dark crystal makes beast and their power go crazy, put one close to Kagaria and she won't be able to fight properly"

Woman1: "That said we still need to test it out, just in case it's a lie send two demons with this, it's a powder bomb, once they toss it the smoke should enter her system and if it works they we won't need to worry about her getting in our way then let's celebrate shall we..."

They start kissing...Akko and the others blush and left...once out of sight they talk...

Chariot: "Akko...?"

Akko: "We have to destroy this place...if we don't then they can use it on my family, I can't have that, we need..."

Croix: "He-he way ahead of you kid, I place bombs in every place I could as we push and boom goes the whole place and those dam crystal..."

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