Padding on over to the door, not bothering to put her thigh high boots on, she grasped the nob and opened the door. Jack was standing right in front of it.

He was looking right down at her with a small smile across lips. "Morning," Jack placed a hand on the top of her head as she was looking up at him with her blue eyes.

Arche relaxed slightly seeing him standing there. Though he was back to his normal seven foot tall appearance. "What time did you invite Jet to come over by the way?"

Jack shrugged slightly, "I only gave him an address. I didn't give him the time. I thought we'd have the kids play outside." His eyes shifted towards the girls who were both staring blankly at one another.

No, they weren't staring at one another, but the stickers which were placed on their foreheads.

"Sister, sister. What's on your face?"

"No, what's on your face, sister?"

Jack just stared at the two five year olds as they were trying to figure out what the stickers were stuck to their faces. "That was definitely Shizu," his smile vanished though it didn't seem as if his mood changed. He held out a hand for Arche's.

Arche's eyes traveled him up and down before giggling, placing her index finger thoughtfully to her chin. "And where exactly would you be taking me?"

"When was the last time you had a hot bath?"


Jack's brain felt like it just fried itself for a moment, all of his thoughts stopped for a few seconds, like a computer rebooting. Once he regained his center, he coughed slightly, "No, I didn't mean with me."

Clearing her own throat, "Oh." Combing her hands through her head as a tingling sensation moved about her scalp from the miniature feeling of anxiety. "I see... I don't need an escort to the bathing area.."

Rolling his eyes, Jack lowered his hand. "In that case, I'll wait for you in the foyer." His eyes wandered over towards the girls who were pulling at the stickers pasted to their faces.

"You might as well take them with you, so they can get those stickers off."

Arche looked over at her sisters, noticing the stickers on their foreheads and raised a brow. "That's what you were mumbling about Shizu doing?"

"When we first agreed to get your sisters, she had that look in her eye. She puts stickers on anything she likes or thinks is cute."


"Pieces of parchment or paper, with a sticky acidic paste on it that makes it stick to things. I was actually allergic to that stuff as a child. Burnt my skin and left marks for a long time." Jack nodded slowly before scratching the back of his head. "In any case," he closed one eye still looking her over, "Lets go clothes shopping later?"

"Clothes shopping?" She never had a man ask her to go shopping for clothes before.

"Yes," Jack raised a brow slightly, lightly reaching over to poke her on the nose.

Arche almost instinctively swatted his finger away from her face, but ended up capturing his index finger with her own hand. "I... Guess that would be alright." She raised a brow in contemplation, "I'll need a dress, wouldn't I..."

She had sold all of her dresses in order to support her parents, to save her sisters from the hardship they were creating. Now she only had her traveling clothes and various other items.

Since then, she had hardly been home, but now she had a place to live! She wasn't going to need to pay rent, or at least for now anyways. In a way, she was finally free as long as those loan sharks didn't come after her for payment that her parents couldn't put forward.

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