Please Read- A very important announcement

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Hello everyone!

As you have noticed, we haven't published a task last week. This is because, we were facing som problems. We are currently recruiting more sanction officials for the proper functioning of this book club.

We have faced some major problems along the way.

For example, when at the end of the week, we remind the end of task by messaging so that the members would complete it, we were told many times that the partner of the member hasn't read the book. This is really problematic. Please read your partner's book because they just not feel this way.

And also if there is any problem and you couldn't read the book, please tell us so we can tell your partner. If not the other member feels cheated. And both of the members don't finish the task.

We also give strikes so that everyone would complete the task but it becomes hectic to keep track of this. Everyone reads the book and the comments are sometimes not really like a feedback. We were told by the members to do something more than giving a strike.

This is to tell you all that your comments must give the author what you felt while reading. If you liked say a paragraph you can explain what was unique about it. And how it added to the chapter. Your comments should be helpful to the author. That way everyone helps everyone.

And at this point many of the members aren't continuing so we need to know who is still with us.

Members please comment on this. Say that you are staying and we will make the groups again. Without your help this club can't work properly. Just tell us so we could make the members list up to date now.

Thank you so much for being with us.


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