"Mr. McCool please tell me your side of the story and we can go from there.  Well, I am divorcing my wife for abandonment when she took her job.  As well as a loveless marriage."

I am completely in awe at what he just said loveless marriage my ass you prick.

"And you Mrs. McCool"

"Well I am divorcing my so-called husband for infidelity, and sleeping with my so-called best friend, and someone I considered a sister."

"Ok well I am already familiar with what we are going to do and I will say this.  There will be no arguing in my office, and my word is the final word got it."  We both nod our heads.  I am just ready for all of this to be done.

"Ok well, I award 60% of your assets awarded to Mr. McCool as well as the house." 

Both he and Alysa look at each other happy that they have officially cleaned me out of everything I have worked hard for. 

"We are adjourned Have a good Day"

"Woah Woah Woah you can't be serious sir."

"I am afraid I am Ms. McCool and my word is final.  Don't push this any further or we will reconvene.

Everyone gets up and heads out I just sit there just completely shattered about what just happened. I get outside and see Hammer and Blade leaning against their trucks.  The notice their faces, and then look at mine with complete loss.  A wave of anger comes over me and I lose it.

"What the fuck did you do!!!!!" at my outburst both Hammer and Blade start up the stairs.

"What do you mean Hannah," Alysa says seething

"How did y'all manage to take over half of my shit, and the house we should split it.  What I also want to know what game are yall fucking playing acting all nice and shit when I find you FUCKING in our bed." I look between both of them I am about to get my damn answers. "Then I come back and you are cold and cut up almost all of my fucking clothes.  You already stole my husband which I don't understand since you two can't stand each other and then you have to destroy my personal property."  I yell.

"I cut your shit cause I am so sick and tired of "Hannah" getting her way all the time.  I was interested in Mark first not you."

"so that gives you the ok to destroy my belongings, you fucking tramp.  Well maybe you could get a decent guy if you are not screwing everything with two legs and a  dick" 

"Well I wanted mark first, and in the end, I got the man I want"

"but at what fucking cost Alysa your best friend your sister." I am now having tears gather in my eyes, but I will not give the damn satisfaction of them seeing me cry.

"You know what you two fucking deserve each other you are scums of the earth and deserve everything that you get.  Cause girl Karma is a bitch, and you will get it tenfold."

I look at Hammer and Blade "give me the damn file in the truck time to end this shit once and for all"

Hammer runs to the truck and gets the file that I am inquiring about.

"Well, this is all I have to say to you is what do you want to do about custody?"

"custody we don't have anything that has custody?"

"Well, surprise shithead I am 7 weeks pregnant" 

They both look at me and all I see is anger in his eyes. I am not sure why he is mad?

"I thought you were on the pill have you been lying to me you bitch." I am completely taken aback about his wording I look at Blade and Hammer and I see their fists that are clenched and tight jaws.  

"I was, but it is not 100% and you know that.  So what is the big fucking deal we may be divorced now but we have a child between us"

"I don't want kids with you." He stated matter of factly he looks lovingly at Alysa and the next phrase just shatters me.  "Alysa and I have been trying to have a baby, and I do not want to add you to the mix and complicate us with the drama that you will bring." 

"Well, I guess that I came prepared for this.  I met with someone in Louisiana and had these papers drawn up just as an insurance policy.  All you need to do is sign the papers where it is highlighted and you will have zero rights to this child.  You forfeit everything in regards to this baby." 

He has no problems just signing away his rights to this baby.  He hands the paper back to me and just walks away.

I stare at him leaving and I feel a set of arms around me.  I look up and see Hammer giving me a sympathetic look. "hey babe it will be ok you have all of us remember that.  I know we keep repeating this, but remember you have this baby to take care of." He places his hand on my lower belly and it gives me a wave of calmness in this shit storm.

"I want to go and get my things and go home." now rubbing the tears from my eyes they both nod and head to the storage unit.

We get there and a wave of uneasiness hits me.  We pull into the unit and I give me the keys to Blade to open up. All I can do is place my hands over my mouth and gasp.  Everything is destroyed EVERYTHING IS JUST DEMOLISHED. 

Blade and Hammer look at me and before my knees can give out Blade grabs me and pulls me to his chest.  Hammer walks into the storage to see if there is any idea who could have done this

"Blue there is a note" I look up at hammer and I shakenly take the note and read it.

Well well, dear Hannah,

I know you did not think you will ever hear from me again or see me, but I know you know I  would turn up eventually after all these years.  Let's just say I have been keeping a close eye on you over the years, and I think it may be time for us to get reacquainted. 

See you soon, James.

I look up at both of them and just hysterically cry in blades arms, and Hammer takes the notes and reads it.  Then hands the note to Blade he reads it while keeping me secure in his arms.

"Blue sweetheart, who is James? Hammer asks cautiously and no malice at all.

"He was my ex before Mark, he was a bad man Alysa got me out of that situation if you know what I mean, and he is back."


I just want to say thank you for all of the reads and votes.  This has been a fun experience, and I never thought I would have more than 600 reads so far.  Please keep on the lookout, and please continue to Vote.

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