You're An Idiot |4|

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Sasuke's PoV

The class that Sasuke and Naruto had shown up late for was gym class and their teacher, Mr. Might Guy, had been all but happy about it. He kept complaining about the youths of today and Sasuke could tell that Naruto had no idea what he was talking about. Both boys walked into the changing room after receiving snickers from their other classmates. Naruto rolled his eyes and looked at his class schedule to see which locker was his. Sasuke snatched the paper from him and read the locker number. His locker was at the end of the row his own locker was on, so he pointed in the direction the blond needed to go. 

"Hurry up and get changed," Sasuke said already removing his shirt so he wouldn't anymore points deducted from his grade. When he saw Naruto finally open his locker only to shove his bag inside a frown lined his face. He asked, "do you need some clothes. Guy won't stop harassing you unless you change for gym everyday even if you are a new student." Sasuke raised an eyebrow and pulled on his old black t-shirt and started pulling down his pants.

"Um, please," Naruto said, his eyes narrowing away from Sasuke being in his boxers. Naruto was insecure? 

How cute... He smirked and pulled out his extra shirt and pants that he brought in case someone just happened to forget something. Normally Sasuke wasn't so thoughtful but the teacher could get so nerve racking and didn't want to hear him complain or start a sob fest with his most prized student, Rock Lee. He handed them to Naruto and pulled on an old t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts.  He avoided looking at the other just in case the other didn't enjoy being looked at.  He didn't want to be known as a creep too.

"Thanks, Sasuke," Naruto mumbled and looked to see that he was already dressed. He raised a brow and thought that this was something really surprising. He subconsciously eyed the yellowing skin on his shoulder before redirecting his gaze after Naruto had covered it. He finished tying his shoe and guided the blond back to the gym.

"Ah! Naruto and Sasuke!" The too energetic teacher said and ran to the two. Sasuke groaned. He could only tolerate Gai and his little look-a-like for so long and that was when he didn't have a tag along with him. He glanced at Naruto and could see the uncomfortable look on his face and the smile playing at the ends of his lips. Before he could ask what was so funny, the energy king said, "Come now, time to play kickball!" He shoved a ball in both of their hands and turned to sort the other students to their teams.

Naruto winded up on the opposite team as Sasuke and that made the Uchiha a little irritated. What the hell was that? He sighed and headed to his side of the gym before the green jumpsuit clad man blew his whistle and the game began. The ball in his hand was thrown so fast that when it smacked into the bare arm of a red haired student, it left a large welt. Feeling triumphant, he dashed to pick up another ball just as one came flying and slammed him in the chest. He fumbled for a few seconds to catch the thing before it hit the ground and rolled away.

"Uchiha, you're out!" Gai shouted, his voice sounding disappointed. Sasuke Uchiha never got out. Which son of a bitc- "Great job, Uzumaki!"

Sasuke looked up in surprised to see Naruto smirking at him triumphantly. Oh, he is so going down next time. He made his way off the play area only to hear that he was back in. Kiba had caught the ball and they chose him to go back in. He smirked and grabbed the first ball that came into view prepared to get his new pal out right away. He scanned the area and his eyes targeted his offender and he threw the ball at full force, not caring about the repercussions. He smirked when he heard it connect but let his jaw drop when he noticed the ball securely tucked under Naruto's arm.

"Fuck," He got out before storming off the field. Who would have thought that Naruto was good at physical fitness? This time, Sasuke got to relax a little before he was finally called back into the game. It seemed that Naruto and Rock Lee and Sakura were holding up their team while Neji and Kiba and Ino seemed to hold up his. Sasuke was not doing well this time. He decided that he wouldn't worry about getting Naruto out, just keep an eye out for a ball that could out him.

You're An Idiot |A SasuNaru Tale|Where stories live. Discover now