You're An Idiot |3|

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"What!" Naruto shrieked as he panicked from what the other had just said to him. He pulled up into a sitting position still not aware of the situation he was causing. He raised an eyebrow when Sasuke flinched at nothing but soon realized what he was doing. He. Was. Sitting. On. Sasuke's. Balls. He quickly felt his face heat up even more and screamed, "you freak!" loud enough so everyone around them could hear the commotion and notice what was happening. Once he saw everyone's face on the two of them the blond quickly jumped from his position on top of Sasuke on the verge of tears heading away from the group.

What the hell just happened? Naruto thought to himself as he tried to avoid the more crowded areas of the hallway. He made his way up to the roof of the school and ignored the boy who seemed to be sleeping. You will not cry, Uzumaki. You already cried once today and don't need to make anymore of a fool of yourself. He had walked over to the edge railing and squeezed his eyes shut tight trying to force the tears to disappear from his sockets.

"You're so troublesome," the words came from behind him and managed to startle the blond enough to make him turn too quickly so that he tripped over his own foot falling over the railing behind him. The blond shut his eyes tight once more and waited for the moment when his body would collide with the ground three stories below them. His eyes opened wide when he felt a strong hands wrap around his ankles which halted his fall for the time being. The poor blond was now hanging upside down and staring at the ground so far below him that his heart was pounding so hard. He heard the spiky haired kid mumble, "so very troublesome." He was hanging too far over the railing for him to full himself and Naruto up over the railing. 

Naruto decided that panicking probably was not the best thing to do in this situation, so he quickly yelled up, "what should we do?" He could not die on his first day, could he?

"Be quiet a minute," the lazy looking kid said, his voice sounding a little strained. Naruto noticed that he had his eyes closed and looked like he was thinking. He decided to comply with him and stay quiet while thinking of a way out of this situation as well. The blood began pounding in his head and he could feel himself becoming light headed before the boy finally said something. He said, "listen up, Naruto. Turn your head slowly without jerking too much and take a look at the ledge above the window behind you." Naruto did as he was told and indeed he took in the sight of a ledge he had not noticed before. It was barely large enough to grab, so Naruto was confused as to what he needed to do. His thoughts were interrupted when the other spoke, "now quickly turn your upper body enough so that I can switch your ankles around."

Naruto did as he was told again, wondering how this would help their situation. He quickly called up, "what now?" His fear was starting to get the better of him and he cursed the quiver in his voice.

"Now," the kid spoke, "you have to trust me. Press your hands onto the wall in front of you and use it to help yourself climb up enough so that you can grab onto the ledge up here, so it will be easier for me to lift you up. You got that?"

Naruto now thought that the kid must be going crazy. Naruto may not be weak, but what if he fell or he made the kid fall with him? He couldn't die like this. Something in the back of his mind, behind his logic section, kept whispering for him to listen to what he was being told and he did.


"You freak!"

Naruto had actually called him a freak when the blond had been on top of Sasuke the whole time moving in a way that was sort of uncomfortable. You enjoyed it. The voice in Sasuke's head coughed out as he watched Naruto storm out of the cafeteria. He glared at the form leaving form and stood up from his position on the ground. He sat back at his spot at the table trying to ignore the condescending stares of his table mates. 

You're An Idiot |A SasuNaru Tale|Where stories live. Discover now