Chapter 8

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Warning: mentions of past sexism and death.

The NYC Stark Industries building had a private executive garage under the building, with an entrance that came out half a block away. But for first-round media blitz, Tony figured it was important to give them something, and Natasha agreed. Especially with Bruce's voice and personal information attached to the story. It seemed smart to try to shift the focus to some other incident.

Natasha had already contacted the major networks and promised them each a different sort of exclusive access to the story at a later date, in exchange for pulling Banner's audio off the recording and transcripts as they ran with it. No one else had to be dragged into this mess because of Stane, and Natasha would keep it that way.

With Bruce off the table, at least in the mainstream, Tony went ahead and braved the front door gauntlet. Let the tabloids take their bite.

"Mr. Stark! Does the audio released mean you have a Romantic Soulmate or is this another fling?" One reporter asked.

"The audio released means that my privacy was violated and what ought to be a personal matter is suddenly not. But yeah." Tony gave a deliberately ambiguous answer since he knew they were going to spin it however they wanted anyway.

"How long have you been seeing this person?" Another asked.

"Longer than the story's likely to last, let's put it that way."

"Are you planning on showing this Steve person at the Mariah Stark Gala?"

"Jeez, man. Operative word there being 'person'. Come on. No, I'm not planning on 'showing' any people like some kind of pet."

"No more questions." Natasha cut in and ushered Tony into the building, meanwhile the reporters tried to get more questions in.

Once inside, she told the head security guard to try and get the paparazzi off of the property. They didn't need employees' access to their job impeded by vultures.

"I think that went ok." Tony commented.

"Definitely a bit more ballsy with their questions."

"Well, can't fault them for smelling blood. It's like their one skill."

As they got into the elevator, Natasha got a text. "Bruce is apparently being harassed at work. He's already scared three reporters off."

Tony sighed. "Sending security would just look weird. Tell him I'll do my best to be super interesting today. I'll hang out by the window with the blinds up, I'll have half an intriguing cell phone conversation where they might be able to read my lips. That should keep them busy, give campus security a chance to catch up."

"I'll also recommend he lock his office door and classroom doors so no reporters try to get clever."

Tony nodded. "Honestly I think I got things on this end if you wanna go help run interference for Bruce. I feel so bad that he's mixed up in this."

The elevator opened to Tony's waiting room, and they went to his office. "Let's be glad he has a terrifying temper that scares people. It's great reporter repellant."

"He'd do better letting them sit through his lectures. They bore easier than they scare." Tony sighed. "I hope Steve's doing ok. I know I shouldn't call during the day but honestly, I feel like I'm going through withdrawal, you know?"

Natasha shrugged. "I guess that's just the effect of having a Soulmate."


Steve had read every book he'd brought, watched the small amount of DVDs Tony had in the house, and sketched to his heart's content. Thor said he'd go to his instructors to get his notes and assignments for the next week, which left him in the house alone. Well, maybe not entirely alone. And he still couldn't stop wondering who this Stane guy was and why he was blocked access from Jarvis. Tony didn't seem to like him either if that morning was anything to go by.

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