When Schmidt turns to the three, he motions with his cloak towards the edge. "What you seek lies in front of you." He tells them. "As does what you fear." He adds as Natasha steps closer to the edge and looks beyond the cliffside. The fall from this height was fatal, anyone with common sense knew that.

"The stone's down there." Natasha states.

"For two of you." Schmidt responds, "For the other..." He trails off as Clint and Mary step up beside Natasha to look over the edge. "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love." He tells them and Mary's eyes widen in fear when it hits her what one of them must do in order to get the Soul Stone. "An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."

Mary turns around instantly and walks away from the cliff's edge. Natasha and Clint follow behind to discuss what they're going to do. In order to get the stone, one of them had to die. But which one?

Natasha and Mary sit beside each other as Clint paces, "Jeez. Maybe he's making this crap up." Clint states, trying to lighten the tension.

Mary shakes her head, "No, I knew him. He doesn't lie." She states softly, hating herself for actually defending Schimdt in this moment. But it was true, he was a mad man but he never lied about his intentions to conquer the world back when he was technically alive.

"I agree with Mary. I don't think he's lying." Natasha adds.

"Why? Cause he knew your daddy's name?" Clint asks.

Mary glances to look at Natasha, "I didn't." The spy responds, "Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter."

"That's not a coincidence. Nebula stated that this was where Gamora died. Where Thanos killed her." Mary reminds them and Clint sighs.

"Whatever it takes." Natasha mumbles.

Mary's eyes widen at her sister, then looks over at Clint, "Whatever it takes." He murmurs.

"You two can't be serious." Mary mutters as she and Natasha stand up.

"If we don't get that stone billions of people stay dead." Natashas says, talking to Clint more than Mary. It seemed like the two partners were debating between themselves who was going to be the one to sacrifice themselves.

"Then i guess we both know who it's gotta be." Clint mutters.

"I guess we do." Natasha replies solemnly. Mary knew both of them were going to try and take the sacrifice for themselves. She couldn't stand either of her friends doing that. She wouldn't let them take that risk.

"N- No, you guys." Mary stammers, "Let's think this out a bit more." She pleads.

The two spies look up at each other when they both realize what the other means, "I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha." Clint says and glances at Mary who simply stands and watches the two debate.

"For the last five years, i've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back." Natasha pleads with both Clint and Mary.

Clint shakes his head, not wanting to hear it from his best friend. "No, don't you get all decent on me now."

"What, you think i wanna do it?" Natasha quips, "I'm trying to save yours and Mary's lives, idiot."

"Yeah, well, I don't want you to. How's that?" Clint snaps softly. "Natasha, Mary, you both know what i've done." He mutters to them and Mary could see the grief and guilt he carried with him now. "You two know what i've become."

"That doesn't matter." Mary tells him.

"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes." Natasha comments and both of them were fighting back tears as they continued to debate who was going to sacrifice themselves for the mission.

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