Hotel Room: Shenanigans?!

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Welcome back~ In this chapter, well, i'll let it speak for itself. ;D


Lunch was decent other than the fact after Corey's accidental moan, nothing else was said. Only the clanging of silverware and the banter of others around them. Elton decided he was going to pay for lunch for everyone which received a thank you from all of them even a mumbled one from Corey. In return, Elton gave a short smile to Corey then headed up to the register to pay.

Sam and Colby looked at each other than to Corey. Colby placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned his head down looking at Corey's distraught facial expression. They wanted to talk to him, but they really didn't think it was the best time to continue their conversations. Once Elton got back from paying, they headed out back to the car where Elton went to pay for gas. Sam went inside to grab some waters and snacks for on the road.

"Uh, Corey," Colby stopped Corey before he got into the back seat, "I was wanting to know if I could sit in the back with Sam instead."

"What," Corey looked back and then over to the gas station itself seeing Elton paying for the gas. He visibly gulped, "I-I'd rather be in the-"

"Please," Colby put his his hands together hoping Corey would say yes.

The tanned man sighed and then walked forward opening the passenger side door, "Finneee.""Yes, thanks," Colby replied getting into the back.

They sat in silence while waiting for Elton and Sam to get finished inside the building. Colby wanted to believe most of him wanting to sit in the back was because of Sam, but he actually mostly wanted Corey to get out of his comfort zone to sit next to Elton. The more Colby thought about it, the more he knew Elton would never force anything on to Corey, and the older man seemed so genuine with his coming out to liking Corey. Maybe, just maybe this would also help Corey to realize his true feelings. Any way that it went, Colby knew that Corey being next to Elton would help the awkwardness in the car.

Finally, the other two came out. Sam got into the vehicle while Elton pumped. The blonde handed out bottles of water to everyone and had a couple snacks to keep himself occupied on the road trip. He gave a questioning look to Colby when he realized that he was in the back with him, but didn't actually say anything about it. Sam got inside and got comfortable slipping his legs over Colby's lap and leaning his back against the door of the car. His head rested against the window as he pulled his phone out.

Elton had got inside after pumping climbing into the driver seat. He went to put his seat-belt on and almost stopped in his tracks when he realized Corey was seated right next to him. Although Corey was tense as shit, he peered over briefly meeting Elton's eyes but then fully turned realizing Sam's position.

"What the fuck, bro," He dryly laughed looking to Colby who hadn't even minded Sam's position, "Y'know that's dangerous as shit, right?"

Sam looked up from his phone moving some hair out of his face, "Oh, uh, yeah...Well, ya know, Take Chances," He smirked to Colby who met his eyes and smiled widely.

"Hell yeah, Take Chances," Colby looked to the camera that was recording, "New Merch is out by the way."

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