Molly's heartbeat started to increase. "What?" A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Where's Kai?"

Damon put his hand on his mother's back. "Why don't you head upstairs and take a look around. I'll be up in a minute." He said quietly.

His mother looked at Damon and then to Molly, sending her a faint smile before walking past her and up the wooden stairs.

Molly slowly turns back to face them. The panic starts like a tightening of the chest, as if the muscles are trying not to let another breath in, but instead to die. "Where is he?" She spoke, her voice cracking.

"I know it hurts now but I promise this was the right thing to do." Bonnie responds.

Then the breath comes, shallow, lungs unable to move much against the suddenly heavy ribs. Then her mind becomes as static, thoughts making no sense, replays of horrors once forgotten.

"Molly?" Elena spoke, as she watched the girl in front of her completely fall away from the world.

"Tell me where he is." She says, not as a request, but a command.

Bonnie swallowed before speaking. "He was hurting you, Molly." Her voice grew soft.

Something in Molly snapped, she didn't hesitate. She didn't want to hesitate. She couldn't, not anymore. Anger surged through her veins as she plunged toward Bonnie. Molly grabbed her by her throat and slammed her into the wall behind her. Pictures behind Bonnie's head fell onto the ground.

Molly felt Elena and Damon grab at her, trying to pull her off Bonnie, but she didn't budge. Molly added pressure onto Bonnie's throat as she gasped for breath. Her eyes flashed with indignance and anger, much like lightning on a pitch black night. Bonnie couldn't recognize her anymore, the girl she used to know was gone, and it was all because of Kai.

A slip of Molly's hand gave Bonnie a chance to speak. "Motus." She says weakly.

Molly felt like an invisible hand had yanked her by her clothes and flung her onto the opposite wall. All of the air in her lungs escaped as she hit the wall before falling onto the ground, but she didn't take one second to bask in the pain. She immediately got back to her feet and sprung after Bonnie once again.

Damon sped towards Molly and wrapped his arms around her, but she wouldn't stop fighting.

"You have no idea what you've just done." Molly growls, her voice coarse.

She slips out of Damon's grip, before knocking him down onto the ground. She quickly breaks off a wooden leg of the table beside her. Molly stared down at Damon, who she once considered a friend, as an enemy. She lifted up the leg to plunge into his chest, but was tackled onto the ground off of him.

Molly looked up to see Elena on top of her, panic in her eyes. "Molly, stop it!" She yells.

Elena held Molly's wrists down onto the ground. Molly tried to move, but she couldn't. Molly squirmed under her grip, groaning at the pain. She kept fighting it. Bonnie and Damon watched in pain as their friend was nowhere to be seen.

Molly screamed, she wailed so loud that Bonnie had to look away. It was too hard to watch. She kept squirming under Elena's grip.

But then she went still, completely still.

At first there was silence. A misty haze upon the horizons of her mind. That's were she kept everything, in her mind. That was until now. Molly could feel the hard painful lump in the back of her throat as the tears began to form. Slowly her breathing hallowed itself and a small but intense pain struck the top nerve in her head. There was screaming, they were hers, yet they seemed so distant. Tears streaked her face. Elena slowly lifted her grip off of her, Molly stayed still.

"Why?" Molly cried quietly, laying on the floor. She curled into a ball as it all hurt too much. "Why do you hate me?" She let out, not even processing the words that fell from her mouth.

She cried as if her brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of her every pore. From her mouth came a cry from so raw that even Damon began to feel remorse.

The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was just gone. So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. her chin trembled as if she was a small child. She breathed heavier than she ever had before. She was gasping for air that simply wasn't there.

And they just watched, watched as Molly lay curled into a ball on the hardwood floor, tears staining the ground. They didn't know what to do. They knew they had lost her.

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