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After Kai and Molly made their way back from getting Molly's things, she'd locked herself in her room for three hours

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After Kai and Molly made their way back from getting Molly's things, she'd locked herself in her room for three hours. His words stuck on her like a thorn and she couldn't get what he said about his past out of her mind.

She'd started an excerpt in her journal about him. About psychopaths. He fascinated her, as much as she hated to admit it. She was two pages in at this point. Molly pulled the covers over her cold legs and continued writing.

A knock sounds at the door that made her jump, she hadn't heard from him since they got back.

"What are you doing?" Kai asks from outside her door.

"Reading." Molly responds.

Kai jiggles the handle, to find it was locked. "Would you stop locking the door?" He says.

"Will you stop trying to come into my room without my permission?" She huffs, standing up from the bed and putting the journal under the covers. Molly unlocks the door and opens it to Kai, he doesn't even look at her before examining her room. "What do you want, you creep?" She asks.

"I'm bored." He responds, turning back to her and smiling.

"Okay?" Molly responds. He walks past her into the room and plops down at the end of her bed.

"And while I've been trying to find a loophole for the spell, I've gotten nowhere and my brain feels like it's about to explode." Kai sighs, rubbing his temples. "Let's go do something."

Molly raises her eyebrows at him, like she was waiting for him to burst out in laughter and tell her he was joking. "Seriously?" She says sarcastically. "No."

"Why not?" He questions.

Molly stared at him blankly. "Because 'bonding-time' with you is not on the top of my priorities list." She says.

"And what is?" Kai says. "Sitting in your room writing about me in your diary?"

Molly was taken back a bit. "I'm not—"

Kai reaches behind him and grabs her journal from under the covers. Her eyes widen and she lunges forward to grab it from him. Kai stands up quickly and holds it above his head. Molly struggles to reach for it and he looks down at her with a smile on my face.

"How did you know?" She looks at him confusedly.

"Witches intuition." He shrugs. He lowers the journal and opens it up, beginning to read from it. "While Kai is weirdly good at conversation, his dark past and cunning abilities to worm through situations is what throws me off. Are psychopaths usually charming enough to distract you from what they've done?" He reads. Molly crosses her arms and looks away, embarrassed. "Charming?" Kai smiles, looking at Molly.

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