Chapter 4- Concert? Dress-Up Time!

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I woke up and saw Harry sleeping next to me, I squealed to myself, it was a dream it was real he really does like me I cannot wait to tell the girls, I ran my hand through locks of his hair and curled my finger up in his curls softly so I didn’t wake him.

“Maddy?” he mumbled I took my hand out of his hair,

“no don’t stop” he whispered, I continued playing with his hair “are you going to tell Louis or am I?” he asked as his beautiful green eyes meet mine.

“I will” I said as he kissed him passionately,

“Maddy? Have you seen Hazza?” I heard Louis’s voice as I heard him come up the ladder, Harry jumped out of the bed and fell over onto the fall, face first, I laughed as I made my bed.

“Harry Edward Styles when did you come up here?” Louis asked him as he got off the floor,

“10 minutes ago” he rubbed his face as Louis hugged him,

“Sorry Hazza” they hugged as I grabbed some clothes from my dresser and grabbed my towel.

“guys you’ll have to leave, I am having a shower” they nodded as they went down the ladder, Harry winked at me before blowing a kiss and left my room, my heart fluttered as my stomach did flip-flops, I smiled as I followed them then head the opposite way and into the shower.

I couldn’t wait to get to school, I quickly said bye to Zayn and raced into the school building, and I smiled as I saw my friends and raced up to them.

“You guys are never going to believe what happened last night after you left” my smile was huge and I was a little jumpy, they gasp

“You and Harry are together?” they asked I nodded, we screamed and hugged each other.

“And it was so cute, he came into my room and told me how he had loved me since he first saw me last year when Louis introduced him to me” I started as we walked to class, I babbled on about the story.

“Are you serious? That is so cute!” Lucy and Nicole hugged me “I know I am telling Louis tonight at the concert” I said as we walked into the class room “maybe you should try and tell the boys how you feel” I asked them as we all sat down at the group table, they blushed “maybe” was all they said just as the teacher came in and started the lesson.

“Okay come over as soon as you get everything you need to get ready for the concert okay?” they nodded as we hugged,

“Tonight is going to be amazing guys I can just see it now, we are all dating the guy of our dreams” we all squealed and said goodbye as they raced off home and I hoped into Zayn’s car and we went home.

I quickly did my homework after that I packed it away and shoved my bag in my room as the bell rang, I raced downstairs and answered to see my friends well not their faces it was blocked by dresses, shoes, accessories, make-up and hair curlers and straighteners.

“Come on, we have two hours, I will have a shower while you guys set out what you wearing, what make-up you are using, what shoes, how your hair will be and your accessories” they nodded as we each took turns taking their stuff to my room “enough stuff there?” I heard Niall’s Irish voice in amazement “you can never have enough stuff to make you beautiful Niall” I hollered as I put the last of the things in my room and grabbed my towel and toiletry stuff then headed for the shower.

An hour and a half later, my room was a mess, shoes and dresses all over the floor and bed.

 We had major problems, we had all had a shower now we were going through the dresses,

“This makes me look fat, that one too short and that one brings out my chicken legs” Nicole said as she pointed to the dresses, I saw one that I fell in love with from my wardrobe.

I grabbed it and showed the girls’ they gasp in amazement “wear it” they both said, I quickly put my bra and undies on the slipped the dress on, I quickly applied my make-up and switched my hair straightener on.

“Okay let’s see” I started going through the dresses till I saw two that fitted the girls perfectly “these ones” they nodded and snatched it from me then started hopping into them as I went over and started straightening my hair.

“Nicole where is my lip gloss?” Lucy said as they moved onto make-up, Nicole went through her make-up bag and got out the pink lip gloss,

“Here” she gave it to Lucy as I put the finishing touch to my hair, a polka-dotted head band.

“So girls, how do I look?” I asked twirling around


“Maddy can you start curling my hair?” Lucy asked me, I nodded and switched the hair curlers on.

“Right now let me pick a purse” I said as I went through my purses till I found the perfect one to match my dress, I chucked my phone, emergency make-up kit, house keys and wallet into my purse and went over to do Lucy’s hair.

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