Now that you thought about it, one of your escorts were making quite a bit of noise, yet it did not stir a single patron nor staff member. Was everyone that much of a deep sleeper, or were you and Sara the only people here? Since you saw Sara walking towards the far reaches of the corridor, the loud knocks could have been outside of her hearing range. But there were hotel rooms closer to the mouth of the hallway, well within the scope of the cacophony.

So where did everyone else go?

"Oi!" A thug - the short, annoying one - spat. "Where did you go? What took you so long, eh?"

"I, um, just got my coat. It's cold out here, don't you think?"

"It sure is," hummed the taller one holding the large umbrella. "Y/N L/N, right?"

Resuming an air of boldness, you nodded.

You swore you saw his eyes gleam for half a second. The stout thug beside him nodded as well and fished a phone out of his tattered pockets.

"Boss, we got her." A gruff voice emanated from his mouth. "Mhm...okay, yep. We'll be there as fast as we can." As soon as he cut the call, he looked you up and down with a scowl. "You know how this works, lady. No running away, m'kay?"

"I know, and I won't."

"You better not. Come."

Just as his bulky hand went to grab your arm, you pulled away and glowered at him.

"Don't touch me," you said through clenched teeth. "I can walk perfectly fine on my own."

"Stupid bi–"

"Ah, ah, ah. Language." Umbrella guy wagged a finger at his partner, turning his sly smile towards you. "Unfortunately, we have only one umbrella and the three of us to share it amongst. It'd be a pain for any of us to get a cold." He eyed your orange dress, drenched with a couple of stray droplets hanging from the hem. "You want to get a change of clothes?"

"No, I'm good. It's drier than it looks," you lied. With the fabric clinging to your skin like plaster, you would have changed out of it in a heartbeat, if only the circumstances were different.

"If you say so."

'Hmm, though he's still a thug, at least this one is civilised.' You glanced him over. If it weren't for his occupation and the dire situation, you would've acknowledged his surprisingly handsome features. That is, save for his deathly pale skin and the hefty eyebags under messy ginger hair.

You exhaled through your nose. "Fine."

As soon as you stepped under the canopy of the umbrella, the three of you started walking. Your body was squished between the two scruffy men on either side of you, both of whom struggled to avoid the icy touch of the relentless downpour. To regain some personal space, your shoulders hunched and your arms hugged firmly around your torso, yet it was to no avail.

You bit back a huff. Your comfort was not of the utmost importance right now. Looking down at your drenched boots and the stony road underneath, you recounted the events that took place and what you learned.

'So, he took 400k from Wellington then...went bankrupt? Where did the money go? When did this happen? Wait, it was probably a few months ago when he started acting weird.' Your jaw clenched. 'Then...the thugs gave him this time to recover the money, but that didn't happen. So they did something to him...and now they want something from me...? Oh god, what did they do to him?'

The worst-case scenario popped into your mind. Your breath hitched and your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach.

'...Don't tell me. Did they...could they have...killed...'

The 28th Stop [ Yandere x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now