15 - Response

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Despite a lack of personal experience with love, Asher knew what should come next. When a guy professes his love to the girl of his dreams, the initial reaction is almost always that her eyes adorably widen. Crimson flourishes her cheeks in a deep blush. She averts her gaze, usually to the side and down, as her lips open and close in a flurry of confusion for what to say next. Finally, she either bashfully accepts the man's love, requests for more time to think or gracefully rejects him on the spot.

He never would have expected your response.

"Geez, Ash, I had a feeling something was up...but not to the extent of mucho creep-o you've just shown."


Smile faltering, replaced by a nonplussed thin line, Asher straightened and shuffled backwards. He saw you heave a long weary sigh and straighten out the crumples on your pyjama shirt, while you unfurled a leg to let it hang off the edge of the bed.


"I couldn't confirm it until now. You were giving off too many signs, strange vibes and red flags. My hypothesis was further supported by your ruse at the party...but it's just baffling to me..."

"What is?"

You narrowed your eyes. "A pretty bold statement you said there; that you supposedly 'love' me when we've only known each other for virtually two or three days. As a wise lady once said: 'You can't marry a man you just met' - or, in your case, 'You can't fall in love with a weird girl you just met during a highly stressful and life-threatening assignment'."


"-In fact, under such circumstances, falling in love is actually counter-productive. Which makes sense because, you know, our lives are at stake and our top priority should be to ensure our safety."


"-Which means that, besides a cooperative business relationship, we should be focusing on getting as much work done in the quickest time frame possible. That way, things will be less messy and there's an increased chance of survival. Woohoo! Yay for not dying!"

"Will you let me speak?!"

"No, because at this very moment, you're spouting utter nonsense."

You paused, taking a breath before continuing.

"You don't know me, Asher. The real me. The me who lounges on the couch on Sunday evenings and binge Netflix series until 3:00AM, only to berate myself the following morning because I have work at 5. Or the me who steals five cookies at once from the pantry behind my brother's back with utmost secrecy, otherwise he'll give the good old lecture on my risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Or the me who cried herself to sleep every night after my parents' divorce, and who stabilised only when her brother could afford counselling services."

Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, yet you willed them back. "How could you have said those three words, which many girls can only dream of hearing just once in their lifetime, so easily?"


"You've only fallen for the idea of me. You're making light of love."

Your words liquefied into a restive quiet as you settled your gaze down to your hands. Asher's mind was a mess, as a multitude of thoughts jumbled and erupted against the fissures of his skull. Yet one overpowered all the others in the fierce battle.

'Did I do something wrong?'

He replayed the events of his passionate confession and your response, practising the skills and strategies he was taught during the conversations with his psychiatrist, which now seemed so long ago. Albeit neglecting to use those skills since the sessions ended, they appeared to be helpful, and now seemed like a good time to call for its use.

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