chapter 3

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"I'm the most extra extra that there is!" Danoh shoved the manhwa in Yeonha's face, pointing at her tiny profile, "'Baek Kyung's fiance'? 'Terminally ill'? That's not fair!" The girl continued to wave the book until Yeonha snatched it out of her hand

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"I'm the most extra extra that there is!" Danoh shoved the manhwa in Yeonha's face, pointing at her tiny profile, "'Baek Kyung's fiance'? 'Terminally ill'? That's not fair!" The girl continued to wave the book until Yeonha snatched it out of her hand.

"Let me see. Oh, my picture's next to Kyung. Ooh, I look really good, drawn like that. Wait - 'Han Yeonha, 18, In love with Dohwa, A3's childhood friend.'" Bewildered hazel eyes turned to Danoh, "My life in three sentences...this is terrible. I'm not in love with Dohwa!" Yeonha made a move to chuck the manhwa over the bridge but decided against it.

Danoh slumped against the railing, "Tell me about it. I don't want to marry Baek Kyung. He's a jerk! And―" she stood up again, turning her face to the sky, "STUPID WRITER, DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO GIVE ME A ―" Danoh crumbled clutching her heart. The device on her wrist started to beep.

Yeonha was immediately at her side, "Danoh, where are your meds? In your bag?" Upon seeing her friend nod, she rummaged through the bag and pulled out a small box of pills. Yeonha counted three pills in a hurry and handed them over to Danoh, while simultaneously reaching for a bottle of water.

Frowning with worry as she watched the shorter girl gulp down the medicines, Yeonha soothingly rubbed Danoh's back. Was that going to help? Probably not. But at this point, she couldn't really do much.

Danoh rubbed her chest, breathing soundly, "Tha―thanks, Yeonha-ya." She pulled up her knees, resting her back against the railing. Yeonha did the same.

She sighed heavily, "Man, that Writer. What a JERK!" Yeonha yelled the last part at the sky, making the girl next to her let out a wheezy laugh.

"Ah, I like seeing the real you." Danoh admitted, tilting her head, "I only remember you being quiet and serious most of the times. You followed Dohwa everywhere. He was the only person who could make you smile." She enthusiastically turned to Yeonha, "Ah, that means we're both stuck in a set-up that we don't want to be in. You don't like Dohwa and I don't like Baek Kyung. Ugh, this punk of a Writer."

"Honestly," Yeonha cracked her neck, making Danoh wince, "I think your set-up is worse than mine, what with the heart disease and all. However..." She pondered over her words for a second before shaking her head, "No, nevermind."

The shorter girl didn't pay much heed to what Yeonha was going to say. Instead she told her about how she tried to break the sculptures in the art room to make the scene change. "I pushed aaaall of them and made sure they were smashed into pieces," Danoh clicked her tongue, "The scene kept going back to the way it was and the statues went back to the way they were."

"That happened when Dohwa came over to spend time with my siblings," Yeonha's muscles were aching, "I guess it was a scene to show how soft-hearted that guy is. He was playing with Jinho and Jiho, and asked me to toss the ball over to him."

Giggling, Danoh interrupted, "Did you throw it at his face?"

"No," Yeonha smirked, "I broke one of the windows of the glasshouse. And when everything reversed, I realized it's a good stress buster. Accidentally hit Dohwa in the face once, though." She frowned, "Felt a bit bad about that."

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