Ch. 21

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Aiyra woke up in a cold sweat. She could still hear the whine of the sword that had shattered through Sebastian's stomach. Nausea roiled in her throat. She threw herself out of the bed and raced to the bathroom, getting there just in time to throw up. Nothing but water came out. She dimly wondered how long it had been since she had last eaten. Aiyra stood, gargling with water and spitting it out.  Aecis approached, whining softly as he shoved his head into her hand.

"Softie," Aiyra muttered, but scratched him behind the ears nevertheless "let's go find you something to eat."

Salkhi hissed as he wrapped himself around her arm and slung himself over her shoulders. There was a knock on her door and it swung open softly, A girl, maybe eighteen, looked in.

"Good morning, your Highness"

Aiyra watched her approach silently. She halted a large distance away, casting nervous glances at Aecis.

"I'm Nova, your lady in waiting. Would you like some breakfast?"

Aiyra hesitated. Talking took too much energy. but Aecis needed food.

"No, but Aecis needs his food. Is there any raw meat?"

"No, your Highness. I can ask someone to kill something and bring it from the forest?"

She shook her head and shoved Aecis lightly. He huffed, but slunk out of the door.

She held out her arm and Salkhi slithered down it, bursting into flight. The girl jumped violently, it seemed she hadn't seen him.

Aiyra couldn't entirely help the way a corner of her mouth curled up.

"Your mother requests your company at the courtyard, Your Highness."

"Stop calling me that for Wyrd's sake." Aiyra snapped. It felt strange, to hear 'Your Highness' instead of 'General'

"Apologies, Yo- sorry"

Aiyra just rolled her eyes, smiling a bit to show Nova she wasn't upset.

"Shall I make sure there's raw meat tomorrow?"

She shook her head once more.

"Do you need anything?"

Aiyra shook her head again, ignoring the look Nova sent her way before she nodded and dropped into a curtsy, slipping out silently.

The castle was empty and quiet, but she found her way to the courtyard fairly quickly. Rowan was sparring with Cerin, their blades flashing like silver. She tried saying 'father' but the word didn't sit right on her tongue. 'Uncle Aedion' didn't sound right either. Nevertheless, he was showing Ilona how to properly hold a dagger. Elio, his sword forgotten at his side, was chatting animatedly with Gavriel, who was practising archery.

Aelin and Lysandra were sitting on chairs, watching it all.

"Hello, Aiyra," Lysandra called, waving.

"Oh! you're awake!" Aelin said, grinning up at her. "Come, sit. Unless you want to spar?"

Aiyra hesitated for a second, shaking her head and sitting down next to her mother.

"You slept well?"

Aiyra nodded. Shaking her head would mean a follow-up question. A silence fell over the courtyard before Aelin glared at Aedion and Rowan. Aedion started explaining a manoeuvre very loudly, Rowan merely rolled his eyes before turning back to his sparring. Cerin didn't turn back so quickly though, he took a moment to glare at her before turning away.

"Aiyra! Can you come here for a second?" Elio asked, waving her over

"Leave her alone, Helios!" Aelin called back.

The Princess of TerrasenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora